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kew palace and queen charlotte's cottage

  • 景点介绍
  • kew palace and queen charlotte's cottage
    A most intimate royal palace, Kew was built as a private house in 1631 and...
  • 景点印象
    • FrancisD192 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Worth a look around,not an awful to see or do,,,long walk,I would not return,,,Staff always watching you,Don't touch that,Etc,
    • ROSEDROP 图标 图标 图标 图标

      There is a long narrow path leading to the cottage with foliage each side, then you come to an opening were you see at last the thatched cottage with lead light windows a very pretty building. there is not much furniture or and pictures. Could be developed
    • SLeeH 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We were very disappointed that we joined as members of the Royal Palaces, yet still had to pay to enter the grounds at Kew to get to the palace, yet there is no entry fee for the palace, (this is misleading when joining as a member of the Royal Palaces)!Kew Palace in itself was very disappointing, and not much to see. Also quite annoying that there are donation boxes scattered around the palace, and the staff even have the audacity to ask you to donate, when you have paid a fortune to enter Kew Gardens. In addition, they asked me to take off my back pack in case I knocked something over; I wouldn't mind there was nothing to knock over. If you are going to specifically see the palace, really do not bother.
    • iwearblack 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I felt like I walked in on a coven's secret club house. Staff weirdly hovers to make sure you aren't touching the sub par refurb. I think King George would be annoyed his summer home is so badly restored. When I asked if this was in process "Oh no we don't want to cover up so much HISTORY" The banged up banisters and broken plaster and archeologist notes crudely scribbled on the walls? If you've been to the Biltmore this place is a yawn. They did order up the curtains from an old order from a British manufacturer, the only thing I was interested in looking at. They have these creepy projections to show where people sit that had an M Knight Shyamalan effect. Sad because this was Queen Charlotte's happy place. Don't use the elevator unless one of the ladies in weird attire "brings it up" for you...one whole floor. Apparently I wasn't qualified to press a button. Enjoy the garden it's well done.
    • SFWOxford 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The palace was occupied by George 3rd as he descended into madness. Interesting information about his life here is relayed in a number of audio visual methods.Fairly quick to visit as it is so small but worth having a look round if you are at Kew. You may have to wait o go in but this is fine as they do manage the crowds quite well
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