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laguna de guatavita

  • 景点介绍
  • laguna de guatavita
    This lake is where the legend of El Dorado originated.
  • 景点印象
    • Hawkeye1609 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This is a great day out of Bogota. You can easily find a bus just past the Portal Norte to take you to Guatavita for about $8,000COP each way, the journey takes about 1hour 15mins. Make sure you go right into the town and don't get off at the turn off for La Laguna, as you may not be able to find a taxi there to take you up to the top & its a long 7k hike up! We got a taxi from the town for $60,000COP to take us there, wait and bring us back. Slightly steep climb up to the lagoon especially with the altitude but views are amazing, definitely worth it.
    • saragW3113WS 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Yes, it's a lake, but it's one of the most culturally important lakes on the continent. Get a guide to fully appreciate the importance of this site. The on-site guides only provide Spanish interpretation, so if you don't speak Spanish I recommend either hiring your own guide or bringing a bilingual friend who can translate the guide's presentations. I learned a great deal about Muisca heritage and language from the on-site guide, who also spoke about local vegetation and land-use history around Guatavita. For a fascinating overview of the pre-Colombian history of the region, visit Museo de Oro one day and Laguna de Guatavita the next.
    • ColombianDream 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Let's be clear, it's a huge lake ! But it's part of a half day trip from Bogota where you pass through some stunning countryside, can stop to eat great food and can enjoy it as part of a cultural experience. Do the trip with a trip to Zipaquira - make it a great day out.
    • NicholasW452 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Considering this is a world-famous site thanks to the legend of El Dorado, the infrastructure surrounding the site is shockingly inadequate. The road up to the lake is in very bad condition, and the signposting is poor. I think most foreign visitors come as part of an organized tour. The lake itself is spectacular. However, you are not allowed to walk around the paths on your own, but have to go as part of a group. This means you may have to wait for a group to form at the site entrance. Once we started, we found the pace was very slow (there are some quite steep paths), and we ended up joining the group ahead of us. After you finish the tour, you have to wait for a little bus to bring you back around to the car park – I felt it was arranged like this in order for visitors to spend some money at the ramshackle food/drinks shacks at the end of the tour. Overall, when you compare it to other pre-Hispanic sites in other countries in the region, the experience at Guatavita is underwhelming.As for practicalities, the lake is situated at altitude. The sun can be fierce and it can also be quite breezy at the lakeside, so come prepared with sun block, water, and a light jacket.
    • RickT386 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Incredibly beautiful countryside and great historically. Most tour guides speak only Spanish, but an English tour is available. A "must see" destination.
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