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annapolis royal historic gardens

  • 景点介绍
  • annapolis royal historic gardens
    ESCAPE from the hectic pace of everyday life with a visit to Annapolis...
  • 景点印象
    • Edward1952 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This is a beautiful way to spend an afternoon - the paths are easy to get around, the garden displays are beautiful, and the maps and signage are excellent. I really enjoyed the "dyke walk" and all the historical information it contained. We were there on Sept. 24 and there was still lots of bloom! The rose garden is amazing.
    • RafflesT 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Not a great deal of parking and not dog friendly were our initial impressions. At over $11 per person, it is rather steep for what is on offer.We visited on a beautiful day in late September when the conditions couldn't have been much better. It started off well with a rather nice garden off to the left when we passed through the wooden arch, but after that they have very few flowering plants. Most things were well labelled, but they could be larger and in more prominent locations.They have a couple of nice ponds and benches throughout, but it is sadly lacking colourful content. Even the rose garden didn't look very healthy. We have been spoiled with Butchart Gardens in Victoria and Minter Gardens outside Vancouver and this facility definitely wasn't in their league.Rather disappointing, have seen better flower gardens with much more colour for free in public parks.
    • DAHutton 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We were there in September and it still was spectacular. Artwork is displayed among the beautiful trees and flowers. There is a dyke walk of the Acadian dykes. Great walk. There is also an Acadian house. Gift shop is nice as is the center. THey have a cafe, but we did not visit it. THere are lots of events at the garden.
    • marilynb976 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      gardens were well maintained. Because of timimg of our visit somethings were already passing by. Nice Victorian gardens and sweet gift shop.
    • ottawa0191 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      You can easily pass a couple of hours wondering around this picturesque, historic garden. Admission prices may appear to be high at first ($27 for two adults), however after touring the gardens it became quite apparent that the money that is charged is necessary for keeping the grounds in such pristine conditions - so well worth the money. There is a little restaurant/café on the grounds that services excellent home-brewed sweet tea. Even though we went at the end of the bloom season (1st of Sept), there were still lots of flowers to see.
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