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shubenacadie wildlife park

  • 景点介绍
  • shubenacadie wildlife park
  • 景点印象
    • CarolynW899 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This place was a pleasant surprise. The animals looked well cared for, in a natural environment. Cost to get in was minimal and totally worth it. The place is well laid out and easy to get around. Recommend it for an afternoon.
    • KylaR_11 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Visited yesterday for the first time in about 5 years with my hubby and now 14 year old son.We saw just about every animal they have except the sable island horses who may not be there anymore. We arrived around 9:30 am but I do suggest getting there as early as possible, especially if it is a hot sunny day. The animals will be the most active the earlier you go.The walk itself was very nice and peaceful and we did enjoy some beautiful weather. The grounds were clean and alive with animal sounds. My favorites were being very close to a huge male moose, watching the lovable but bumbly awkward porcupine climb up and down, he even came over and reached his little hands out to us but we had nothing to give him. Coyotes were running around in the back of their enclosure keeping their eyes on us but they were still easy to see and watch. River otters were hilarious as they tirelessly got in and out of the pool. Big cats were great too :)Great value for $11 for the three of us. I do wish the park was open even a tiny bit earlier to really see the animals. Some of them had gone to bed already :)Even 8am would be good.
    • Acadia80 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Shubenacadie Wildlife Park is open during the winter season (Oct to May) but on weekends only. Last weekend we spent a couple of hours strolling through the park. With children you will need to spend a little long. Lots to look at and in the morning the animals were quite active. For an admission fee of only $3.00 this is a great weekend adventure!
    • 938ashleym 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I have been on night tours and day tours multiple times over the past few years and have loved every minute of it. The park is one of the most peaceful walks that could be counted on, the scenery is lovely. While there is some issues with caging requirements for the best welfare of the animals, it is very satisfactory for a wildlife park and exhibits animals that look healthy and happy most of the time. Offers some realistic habitats available for some of the animals, more inclined to live in Nova Scotia, but not as strong in adapting to animals from far away. They are a friendly staff and only have room for improvement over the years, although gov't funding may not agree with that. Wonderful stories about the animals as well from those who are truly dedicated to the park! Always melts my heart to spend time there!
    • HeatherH523 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I come to the park a few times each year and was able to do a night tour this summer. I always enjoy my visits and the staff are very educated about the animals- if a visitor has a question about an animal, please don't hesitate to ask a staff member. I read a review here complaining about the condition of the animals- What that reviewer may not realize is that some of these animals are quite aged and have lived well past their expected lifespan, so while they may appear to be "ill" or in poor state, they actually may be experiencing the natural aging process that any living being would go through. As well, the staff make every effort to ensure that visitors are not harassing or disturbing the animals, but unfortunately it does happen. Again, if you have an issue- please speak to a staff member at the time of your visit :)I think it is great that we have such a resource and attraction for us here in NS and that the cost to enter the park has remained low over the years, allowing families and groups to visit without breaking the bank.In terms of park condition- it is always kept clean, with constant upgrades, friendly staff, informative signage, and as an added bonus, it is now smoke-free!
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