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morne blanc

  • 景点介绍
  • morne blanc
  • 景点印象
    • gersenkirth 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The Morne Blanc climb is one that every keen hiker should do: even one that is enjoying the wonderful beaches of Mahe. The climb itself is not particularly remarkable: there are no difficult passages and you will be able to maintain a steady – albeit strained – pace throughout. The path is also well defined and in most places steps have been carved to make the ascend smoother. If you are in reasonably good conditions, it will not take more than 35-40 minutes to reach the top (with a 5 minutes break halfway through), where you will be rewarded – on a cloudless day – with a wonderful and commanding view of most of the Western and South-Western part of the island from a comfortable and safe wooden platform. One word for those who like to hike solo: it will be very difficult to get lost because the path is straightforward and difficult to miss, but I advise to take a local guide or at least to do it as part of a group of three or four. There are in fact crevices here and there (not directly on the path) which can turn in dangerous traps if somebody is unfortunate enough to fall down into. My overall judgement is four stars, average of three for the hike and five for the view.
    • Filip-Rosendal 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The walk is not too hard and took us 45 minutes each way. Really nice view! You can see most of the Mahe westcoast.
    • efrainlarrea 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Nice short hike through the jungle, with the chance to see many birds. The views of the island of Mahe from the top are breathtaking!
    • SeasonedTraveller423 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Great hike, we are big fitness fans and found this a little challenging which was great! nice view at the top.
    • MaBoyOmar 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      You can take a trail that go up the Morne Blanc. with no athlectic skills (whcih is my case) it took 45 minutes one way to get to the top. uit is tiring and you will get to the top wet, but when you see hte view, you will be happy you have walked this path. The view is breathtaking.
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