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the cage

  • 景点介绍
  • the cage
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      Having gone to school in Lewiston 30+ years ago, my friends and I have a certain affinity for The Cage. It is that old time, local bar, where locals congregate. Visitors like us, who stop in for a few hours once every summer, are the minority. As long as you are not looking for trouble and leave before its dark, all should be fine. It is in rough shape, which part of its charm and it may or may not be serving food, which is just fine. The bathrooms are a use at your own sanitary risk situation. This is a beer and whisky place and do that while playing pool or shuffle bowling. The colorful local characters, Randy, Deb, Hole, may or may not engage you. Just don't go in trying to be a tough guy and they will leave you alone. I hope The Cage is around for another 30+ years for us to experience. I introduced my son to it when he was 25 and he thought it was pretty cool. I will let you decide for yourself.
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