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new mexico mining museum

  • 景点介绍
  • new mexico mining museum
    Visit the Only Uranium Mining Museum in the World! Experience the...
  • 景点印象
    • TexaxGranny 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      we really enjoyed getting the tour of the underground mine. I didn't know anything about mines. It was very interesting. and we got a really neat rock for going on tour. and it's free.
    • 342jillg 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      My husband and i were travelling Route 66 in September and called into Grants to visit the mine. We were privileged to be given the tour by Jack, a real gentleman, very knowledgable having spent his life in the Uranium mines and such a charming man. A very enjoyable visit and thoroughly recommended. One of the highlights of our trip. The receptionist was a very helpful and pleasant girl and allowed us to go into the back room and see the Indian artifacts. If you are in the area this is well worth a visit and real value for money.
    • 541robertam 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Got the underground tour from Jack, a gentleman who spent a good part of his life working underground in the uranium mines. His experiences of working underground really made the tour top notch. A great experience and educational time.
    • 193WilliamM193 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Small but informative museum covering minerals, dinosaur bones, artifacts and history.Highlight is mine tour one floor below museum. Jack Farley, volunteer guide worked uranium mine for several years and became mine superintendent who focused on safety of workers was fantastic guide.
    • Apricot_Alma 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Even if you know nothing about mining, this is a most stop. By the time you leave, you will be well informed and have a sense of awe about the land, New Mexico mines and the people that mined them...as well as what can be found in them besides ore...dinosaur bones, rocks that sparkle and may even have a fossil or two in them also. As previously mentioned, Jack Farley is a gem. He leads the mine tour (it really is a mock-up of a real one w/equipment etc.) and is a wealth of information since he has worked as a coal miner in West Virginia, a uranium ore miner in New Mexico, and mine supervisor with several years of nation-wide safety records under his belt...with beautiful turquoise!
    • dralbertfish 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Grants, New Mexico, is surrounded by beautiful scenery and amazing places to see, but right in the middle of town is the New Mexico Mining Museum. Grants was right in the middle of the uranium mining boom during the cold war. When you visit, you will be greeted by a new building that houses displays of minerals and objects from that era, but the real experience is going down in the elevator to a recreation of a uranium mine. Make sure that your tour is given by Jack Farley. Jack is in his eighties and mined for years in the Grants area and will make your tour come alive with anecdotes about the history of Grants and uranium mining. Don't miss this when you're in Grants!
    • 389sterlings 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We were very lucky to arrive when former miner,82 year old Jack Farley, was in. Jack lives this museum and will give you a guided tour if he's in. Quite a history lesson and plenty of actual used mining equipment you can put your hands on. Well worth the stop on I-40! Thanks, Jack and staff!
    • Dieselkmf 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I had picked this as a place I wanted to visit. I like seeing mines and going down into them. In that this is a small town out in the middle of nowhere. I figured that this would be just an average site to see. Boy, was I wrong! When I first entered the building I was greeted by Jack. He was a miner that worked on this mine when it was operating. He is one of the most knowledgeable people on this type of stuff I have ever met. The stones and gems displayed in the main room were fantastic. After talking to Jack, I decided to go through the museum on my own($3 for and adult). They had a movie room and many displays on the history of the mine up top. Then I came to the elevator that took you down into the mine. The door opened and I was in another world. The mining world. What is neat about this is that every stage of the operation is demonstrated visually and you push a button to activate a sound playback of old miners telling you what is before you(These voices are from actual miners that worked in the mine years ago). It was so ery down in there. When I came up I felt a sigh of relief in that I worked above ground. These were tough ol'boys.I just want to tell everyone. If you are passing by Grants, New Mexico. You have to visit this museum. It is one of the best for the price and feel. This one should be on everyones "bucket list".
    • eddlestoner 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      A fab little museum and great way to spend a couple of hours. They have some great artefacts (including dinosaurs bones), informative videos and, the best part about the whole place, tour guide Jack who used to work in the uranium mines for many years. He is full of anecdotes and a great storyteller! I had next to no interest in mining before we went bit I loved it - and it's only about $3!
    • meelk45 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This is a sweet museum that shares the fascinating mining history of the area. Plus the staff are very welcoming and interesting. We really enjoyed our visit!
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