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little sugar creek greenway

  • 景点介绍
  • little sugar creek greenway
  • 景点印象
    • jennben 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      While visiting Charlotte on business my husband and I entered to run a 5K on the Greenway. I have to say it was a beautiful running route. Fairly flat. Lots of runners, bikers and roller bladers utilizing the path. Wish my community in Maine had something like this for folks to run or walk on. Bravo Charlotte, for bringing such beautiful recreational area to your community!
    • Bill804 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      For a place that was completely covered by Kings Drive, it has turned into a beautiful, serene spot just outside of downtown Charlotte. You have to start out by the Capt Jack statue and go toward Morehead Drive. It won't take long and you forget you were ever in downtown. Please do stop by and see the side attractions like the St Mary's Chapel and Mecklenburg Vietnam Memorial. If you are into walking, you will not be disappointed.
    • ccreange 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This is a work in progress and what a difference it has made in certain areas of Charlotte. You can walk, bike, rollerblade, etc. or just sit and watch the walkers, rollerbladers, etc. They have taken an area that was nothing more than a dirty, polluted creek and turned it into a thing of visual pleasure. When you see it, you just want to park your car and experience it.
    • Curtez151 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      nice little pathway to ride a bike or run/walk. i live right on it and am on it frequently. would recommend if you have the time or would like to get outside.
    • joyful125 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      My boys enjoyed the hiking through the Greenway. I sat under a shady tree on a picnic bench and read my book, thinking the hike would be too much for me. As it turns out, they said it was very easy and actually well paved, with the path going through a beautiful neighborhood. I saw a number of runners and people who appeared to be casually walking through. There is a great playground and 3 picnic tables too. No public restroom, just a port a potty!
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