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carolinas aviation museum

  • 景点介绍
  • carolinas aviation museum
  • 景点印象
    • XWagonmaster 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I have visited the Carolinas Aviation Museum on several occasions. The first was to identify the air plane my father-in-law flew based on a very old photo. The photo was still in good shape but it did not show enough of the air plane to make a positive ID. The museum is always growing and improving. It is a great place to take the family..................
    • nathanb884 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We were so excited about visiting the museum - it was a large reason behind our trip to Charlotte!It was fairly easy to find, and driving up the windy roads and pass the air base, and airport, and seeing the planes take off and landing above you, really got you excited!The entrance holds a small gift shop which is well stocked with all things planes. Entrance prices wasn't too bad. Once you get into the museum, someone's there to give a brief talk behind the actual museum itself, and whilst we were worried he would then follow us around the whole time, we were please to find out you're then free to roam around at your leisure.The museum is absolutely massive, and has so many interesting planes. Each one has informative write ups. There were also interesting pieces such as the history of certain airlines, airlines memorabilia etc. There was also a very information piece which taught how planes actually fly etc.The main attraction was obviously the Miracle on The Hudson feature. They did this really well - every thing was covered from what went wrong, step by step account of what happened in the air, the rescue operations, the aftermath even profiles of the staff, passengers and even engineers were included - the detail of information was unbelievable and so interesting. Seeing actual items from the plane and there stories was insightful, and the documentary on loop was was also interesting to watch.Outside there are further planes.It was a great afternoon and I would definitely recommend to anyway.
    • NextTrip2015 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      A great way to spend a couple of hours. Great display and very informed docents. The "Miracle on the Hudson" plane is on display, with loads of information. What a great story! Absolutely the highlight of our visit. A must-see if you are in the Charlotte area.
    • 775sandrar 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      See first hand, the US Air plane "Miracle on the Hudson". Chilling and moving story. Historical planes from old days, along with helicopters.Everyone will enjoy.
    • JULIANP710 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Planes anyone if so they're here many from different eras of time piedmont and eastern as an example and many many othersThis set up is good for any age adult and children I believe would also enjoy this
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