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goldendale observatory state park interpretive center

  • 景点介绍
  • goldendale observatory state park interpretive center
  • 景点印象
    • 154donaldh 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The "ranger" is a very knowledgeable astronomer. One great thing about this observatory is that you get to look through the big telescopes. The weather is usually clear in Goldendale so the night sky can be spectacular.
    • QZOCK 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      It's a state park with astronomically knowlegeable park rangers playing astronomers. Great big telescope, but whole array of bunch of smaller ones. Main guided sky watch, with several rangers setting up the portable one, so even kids would not lose interest. I am a repeat visitor. First time with my new wife, once about 12 years ago with my kids, and a bunch of times when i was assigned to a Boeing Wind Turbine Energy R&D program for NASA and DOE in Goldendale (where I lived). It was a great little town then, and seems to be a great little town now. There are hundreds of these large Wind Turbines all over the area. I used to have a lot of fun at the observatory then, and it's the same now (if not better) with the park rangers.
    • fishhag 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      An observatory that you can see the stars, planets, sun through the telescopes with the help of the park staff that is extremely knowledgeable.
    • saramP3578SS 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Took a friend not as versed in the skies as I am and it was amazing. I grew up close and had been a lot as a kid but not much since I've been back. The guy is so knowledgeable and passionate it makes it even more fun.
    • C2123WPanonymous 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I can't think of enough superlatives to describe the visit my family had a few years ago. I'll never forget the thrill of seeing Saturn IN THE DAYLIGHT! I didn't know that was *possible*. We went back in the evening and for the first time I saw the moon through a telescope. It was so clear I could even see the lunar mountain peaks against the night sky.If you're ever in the area, don't miss this. It's worth any effort you need to make, especially if you have children.PS: I visited long before 2014 but that's the farthest back the list goes.
    • RozStrang 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Whether, you're there at 2pm and catch the daytime Solar viewing, or 6pm for the Stars and Planets, you'll have a great time. We stayed an incredible 5 hrs! Forest Ranger Troy is highly knowledgeable, enthusiastic, and a gifted teacher. The history of the Goldendale Observatory is inspiring. The renovations that are now happening will only better the experience. The main telescope, itself, is quite a gift, for it's the only one its size that is designated specifically for public viewing, rather than being secluded away by private research. We saw Jupiter and its moons. You'll need a Discover Pass for the limited parking, but the presentations are complimentary. If you have a large group, calling ahead might be advantageous. It's a one man show, and Troy juggles it all. It was standing room only by the end of the evening on the Friday night we attended. They are not always open; so check times before venturing.
    • 94maryj 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      For me, Troy's talk made all the difference. He did an excellent job and his enthusiasm for his topic was ever-present. The telescopes were interesting to look at (more than to look through!)
    • MaryF398 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      My children were so impressed with this amateur made telescope and its ability to bring the stars to them. The docent was so well informed and able to speak clearly to children. We will definitely go here again when in the area.
    • D_Otter50 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We had the chance to visit the Goldendale Observatory on a night promising the Aurora Borealis. No luck - not dark enough ~ but we were so glad we took the time to visit and purchase a Discovery Pass. We could not believe that is the only admission needed for a place where you can experience so much.Definitely the guides love what they do and eagerly share it with others. Our main guide handled the crowd and questions extremely well. We learned so much and will remember this trip for a long time. Thank you for the experience!!!!!Treat yourself and take the time.
    • 621debral 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      While camping nearby, we went to the Goldendale Observatory. First we went during the daytime, and were met by a very knowledgeable guide who obviously loves to educate! He took us to see the nighttime telescope, and we looked at some windmills in the distance. He then took us to see the telescope with which we were able to look at the sun! Fascinating. He then invited us to come back later to see Saturn, which we (and quite a few others, about 50-60 people) did. It's a treat to know this is here for the public, and we are telling all our friends about this gem in the middle of the wheat fields!
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