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lacamas lake

  • 景点介绍
  • lacamas lake
  • 景点印象
    • HawaiianIrishgirl 图标 图标 图标 图标

      If you find yourself in the vicinity of Camas, Oregon, please take the time to drive a very short distance to Lacamas Lake.It has a nice parking lot, park for the children to play, and some of the best hiking trails around!You'll find yourself wanting to go back everyday, it is serene, peaceful and yes, you can fish from the banks.The smells of pine and fresh air breezes, are a wonderful respite from the city life and some of the photos are amazing!Spend the day picnicing, hiking and resting..
    • 346LISAT 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I really enjoyed the location close to downtown Camas. It's a little bit of nature so accessible and well cared for, overall.There were overflowing trash cans following a busy weekend, and some lesser-traveled areas did have quite a bit of rubbish, but overall the main trail is free of trash and a very nice stroll. highly recommended if you wish to log a few miles in the early morning hours.
    • LLP1957 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The lake offers a trail to hike on. A little chilly in January, but bundled up it wasn't to bad. Went with a friend and she was impressed!
    • nwmary 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The lake is part of a two-lake park, Round Lake is connected by a small neck beneath the road. The main part of Lacamas lake is typically visited by boaters and fisherman, including canoes and kayaks. Both lakes have great walking trails, the Lacamas side has a wide, gravel trail used by both bikes, runners and walkers - so it can get quite busy. Round Lake has a beautiful network of dirt trails through the forests and hills around the lake - it's much quieter as you get across the dam. You can actually take one trail all the way to 3rd street - walking by good sized creek with waterfalls. Lots of wildlife including osprey, herons, and sometimes bald eagles. Dogs are allowed on leash - a good recommendation since bikes and runners can come along quickly.
    • geriwifkbs 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Trail is 3.5 miles long. Views of the lake 90% of the way. Just a nice walk. Parking at both ends. One end has a playground and picnic area the other is basically parking though both have bathrooms. The end with the playground is next to Camas Lili Fields and Round Lake, another good hiking area.
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