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national stockyard exchange

  • 景点介绍
  • national stockyard exchange
  • 景点印象
    • MelissaT31 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Since my husband does raise beef cattle for a living we stopped here for some fun for him. It was really neat! We checked out where the sale was held (sale day is Monday, and, I think, Tuesday) on Sunday night and where the Cattleman's Restaurant was located. Monday after visiting the Oklahoma City Memorial we ate at the Restaurant. It was delicious and reasonably priced. Our girls liked it too (ages 9, 12, 13). Then we headed over to the sale. You need to park and then walk across what I would call a cat walk. You walk above ALL the pens of cattle and can watch the workers herd them into the sale barn. We spent over an hour watching the sale. It was more enjoyable to people watch for me. Only my 9 year old hated it! Smelly, of course, and I am sure boring for her. I think it was one of the best parts of our 2 day stop in OKC. We didn't stop at any of the shops in the area since we weren't really planning on shopping.
    • jdreynoldsjr 图标 图标 图标 图标

      People talked about Stockyards, why? My wife and I drove past and kept going for about 15 minutes then we did a U-Turn. Here is my honest humble opinion, don't go unless you have a very high interest in seeing a tourist trap and a very small piece of OKC history. We are talking about three blocks of shops and restaurants, a few statues and of course the huge area where cattle are being sold, loaded and unloaded off trucks. if you are in livestock trading or want to see the "famous" Cattlemen steakhouse then go but why? The shops closed at 5PM on Sunday so I don't know quality or pricing of the shops.
    • steved938 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The Stockyard Exchange Building is on Exchange, west of Agnew past the National Stockyards sign, several blocks. That is what this term Stockyard Exchange refers to and not to the commercial shopping district, normally just referred to as the Stockyards. The Exchange has offices relating to cattle trading and dates back to the 1980's. It replaces an earlier structure which burned to the ground in the '70s. There is a nice little restaurant there that offers good inexpensive meals. A popular place for stockmen, local workers, and visitors alike who find the Exchange Building. Cattlemen's restaurant, is a so so place as Oklahoma City steakhouses go. If you do feel the need to go there, ask to sit at the counter, you'll get faster service, and less of a wait, unless, that is, you enjoy a line out the door. The Chicken Fried Steak is good, get the salad and the house dressing. We go there a few times a year. Just to treat the kids for breakfast or a special dinner. When I worked in the stockyards years ago, it was pretty common to go in there covered in manure from working cattle all day.
    • EmmaOKC 图标 图标 图标 图标

      If you are passing through the state and you have a chance to drop in on the area please do. Great places to eat and nice shopping. Check it out.
    • torbok 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Good history lesson about early Oklahoma. Lived in state many, many years and had never visited before. Went with friends from Ohio.
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