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polesden lacey

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  • polesden lacey
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    • 215carolinew 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Dear Caroline W,Thanks for taking the time to share your view about the property and your recent visit. We value constructive feedback and regularly use it to improve the experience that we give our visitors. Your comments about the commercialisation and staff have been noted and wil be shared with the team. As the National Trust is a not-for-profit conservation charity and, as such, the money raised through our admission charges goes towards conserving the house, collections, the gardens and the local landscape. We do, therefore, expect all visitors to the property to enter via the main visitor reception to either show their membership card or pay the admission charge as this is vital to the ongoing conservation of the estate, ensuring it survives for everyone's enjoyment, for ever. I am sorry if a gate was left propped open when you visited causing confusion with the entry - I will endeavour to ensure this does not happen again in the future.Hoping that you may decide to re-visit us again in the future.
    • graham044 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      A great country house set in imposing grounds -once used it as a film location and decided to revisit
    • Incartek 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We went to Polesdon Lacy on a Saturday in December. This was really fascinating - an Edwardian Christmas with the guides all dressed in traditional costumes. They were all happy and chatty, and loved the place. There were many floral displays which came out well in photos. There should have been free mulled wine - it was all gone. There was also a horse drawn ‘sleigh’ providing an attraction for the children.
    • Janemart 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I love Polesden Lacey. The story of Margaret Greville is fascinating and the house and grounds are beautiful. It's not too big, so easy to do in a couple of hours. Look out for the dog cemetery and Mrs Greville's own grave, both in the gardens. When I went, the upstairs wasn't available to view, but the ground floor is so interesting, it didn't really matter. Highly recommended.
    • 325hayleyb 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Hi Hayley B,Thanks for taking the time to share your view and your kind words about the property. We value constructive feedback and regularly use it to improve the experience our visitors have, your comments about value for money have been noted. I would just highlight the fact that the National Trust is a not-for-profit conservation charity and, as such, the money raised through our admission charges goes towards conserving the house, collections, the gardens and the local landscape, which, as you pointed out, are all very special. We like to encourage regular visitors to become members of the National Trust as membership usually pays for itself over a handful of visits and therefore offers better value for money to our visitors.We expect all visitors to the property to enter via the main visitor reception to pay the admission charge or to show their membership card as this is vital to the ongoing conservation of the estate, ensuring it survives for everyone's enjoyment, for ever.You mentioned the additional charge for entering the house this year during the festive season. Every year, we invest a lot into offering a really special experience for our visitors at Christmas time and this additional charge covers the cost of our Christmas Advent event. But we feel the event offers great value for money as it includes a free glass of mulled wine, a piece of dundee cake, free wreath-making workshops, and much more inside the house.
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