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the old house

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  • the old house
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    • StuartInGlos 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The Old House is situated in the middle of the high street, looking out of place. It's a lovely building with its uneven and creaking floors. It's free and will take your five or ten minutes to look around.
    • teabrewer1 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      In the middle of Hereford a time capsule not to be missed. Always a place to take visitors and watch them be amazed. And free!!
    • Miffed-from-West-Mid 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Lovely old house in "black and white" style. Free admission, well worth a visit! Have a look for the Hereford bull outside!
    • IsleofManClaire 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Great little gem in the centre of High Town.This lovely old house is opening all week apart from Sunday and Monday - its free, so even if you pop in for just a quick look around you have lost nothing. They do ask for a donation - or there is a little shop bit - you could always buy an pen or ruler etc !We went with an 8 year old who loved looking at the old beds and cots and the way people used to live. There are 3 floors. There is alos an iteractive bit with a rail of clothes from the era for children to try on, colouring sheets relevant to the time period and puzzle type games to complete.Its well worth supporting - and a visit if you are in Hereford.
    • Marie_LouiseK_13 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This is a very nice old house in Hereford at the Square and the end of Commercial St. It's a 17th century merchant's house. Unfortunately it was not open but we had a look from outside though. Would have loved to get in there Looked interesting. An Amazing building.
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