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burns national heritage park

  • 景点介绍
  • burns national heritage park
    Restored 19th-century village dedicated to the life and work of Scotland's...
  • 景点印象
    • michieg121 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      A good selection of information relating to the Burns family, a good restaurant and excellent gift shop. Tickets are valid for three consecutive days, as there is so much included, it would be hard to get it all in on one visit.
    • yandinazetland 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Cross the bridge in front of the National Trust for Scotland new Burns Centre and walk the ten minutes to the cottage. This is a peaceful traffic free area with a number of sculptures and weathervanes depicting scenes from Burn's poems - if you manage to identify three or more pat your self on the back.The Cottage is bordered by a formal garden with a kaleyard in front of the building. there is a guide who tries very hard to bring some excitement to the building. Burns only lived here for seven years and for many years afterwards the cottage was a public house. The audio and light show - shadows and silhouettes - are rather dated and interfere with the guided commentary. Keep you expectations low and you will not be too disappointed. The highlight for me was the painted Scots words on the wall with the English translation - some real humdingers.The new centre is fab and your ticket price includes entry to the cottage - if you still have the energy to soak up more Rabbie - remember the Old Kirkyard and the Monument and Gardens - plus the Bridge over the River Doon - all within a fifteen minute walk.
    • PaulineGlasgow 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Interactive exhibits at the centre were excellent. It was a beautiful day outside so we were able to ramble to the birthplace but could have got on the golf bugg type vehicle. The gardens were lovely and the brig o doon was delightful. I am so happy to use my NTS card.
    • vonbon007 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I need to confess to shaving a year off the children's birthdays to get them in as 13 years old as it would have seemed quite expensive otherwise. This was a bright April day and therefore we were able to fully enjoy the cottage garden, the poets walk, Brig O'Doon, the Monument & Gardens and the graveyard - I'm not sure if it would have been quite so enjoyable if it was the more normal abysmal weather. The museum centre with its interactive exhibits took around an hour to go round and the cottage was explored fully within half an hour so these two alone cannot fill a days outing. Overall a nice afternoon and hopefully when 25th January comes around next year the kids will have a greater knowledge of the life and times of Burns.
    • TartanWanderer 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This area thrives on all tat is Burns. It is all really well laid out and the museum and walks are great. You need a few ours to get round it all. A really great day out and very scenic.
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