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first derry presbyterian church

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  • first derry presbyterian church
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    • caroled753 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      It was an exciting visit to be able to see this beautiful building restored. It has been many years since I had been their and it was wonderful to see how it have changed and renewed itself. We were greeted by a very friendly and interesting guide who was able to fill us in on lots of details that might escape the visitor who can't take everything in on the first viewing. It was nice to see the area at the side of the church which is laid out like a little personal museum, you can even pose as an old fashioned school master complete with gown and mortar. The stainglass windows are magnificent and well worth a visit.
    • JVincentB 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This church was extensively damaged by petrol bombs and dry rot. It has been beautifully restored. The stained glass windows are quite colourful for a Presbyterian church. The exterior is also very impressive.
    • cjrossy 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Architecture & History. We had coffee and scones served during a Fund Raising Coffee morning: Excellent
    • littlesisterWales 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The Minister, David, is a charming man who is justifiably proud of his church. Possibly worth going to a service if you are there on a Sunday.
    • Killymaddy 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We were greeted so well by a lovely gentleman on arrival to the church on Thursday 22nd August 2013, he took the time to tell us alot about the history of the church and took time to enjoy a general chat with us and we also got a lovely solo from one of the male voice choir members who also took the time to talk to us and share some of his experiences of the church. We left feeling so touched at how friendly and welcoming they were. The building was beautiful we definitely recommend a visit:)
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