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    • Tamisacj 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I liked the Square full of lights and traditional cottages with local or internațional products. I didn't like the carrousels and the cars Game - It didn't belong there.
    • Uaydin 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The square looks great at night, all these lights and all the snow covering the square... If you are lucky to be there when there is an event, it will also be nice. For example, when there is the Christmas market, but I missed it. There are beautiful buildings around the square and it is a good meeting point.
    • CalinC294 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Very nice square, full of historical buildings. Many events take place there. It definitely worth a tour and can be your starting point to visit the numerous museums in Sibiu or to find a nice restaurant or pub.
    • OanaM443 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Very nice place, beautiful architecture, very clean, full of people enjoying a walk, a little chat or children playing. Very nice atmosphere!
    • alexdL8457NN 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Visited during christmas holidays.Very cold,Very graphic.One typical think about Sibiu is the 'eyes' of the roofs which if there is snow it looks wonderful.Alot of hot wine in the streets and big christmas market.Lots of people, really cold.Drawback is that all cafes seem to allow smokers to smoke inside and there is not control to the point where people like us don't become clients cause the smoke smell is just horrible and is not fair that we breath the polluted air they decide to make.There was a cafe next to Einstein cafe that had outdoor seating with heaters. Only problem was that from 4 heaters, 3 were not working and the waiter, one short haired with a very soft girly voice instead of apologizing for the inconvenience he answered very rude and seem to do not care about its customers at all making us feel unwelcome.A word of advice to these kind of people is that even if there is a problem, the way you handle it as a representative of that business affects the overall satisfaction and could turn our experience from bad to good.Also very simple, since heaters were not working, it could provide blankets.At the end of the day is all about management.
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