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cozia monastery

  • 景点介绍
  • cozia monastery
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    • Anastasia31 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      It's a small monastery, full of history which takes you to other times, very old times. It has an unique charm, which makes you want to go back.
    • 601chrisj 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This is a very famous and working monastery, and well worth a visit. There is a DVD in English (which you can also purchase) that covers the history and present day workings of nthe organisation. we visited late in the afternoon when the evening prayers had started and that is a great time to be there. In almost every respect this is a great attraction to visit, on our visit only being marred slightly by the monk who was on reception duty. He was not at all interested or engaging to any arrivals, rather chatting to one of the nuns. Apart from that, it is highly recommended.
    • EvaChiser 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The Romanian National Park of Massive COZIA offers to visitors a land of beauty and of holly spirit, which are present and visible in everything: in Calimanesti, in the lake, in the rivers, in the rich, green forests, in the vertically stone walls, where, in their caves , long time ago a lot of people in need, find a refuge ! And the people have built here many splendid Church and Monastery , most famous is Monastery COZIA! But, in middle of the mountains, there are rely masterpiece of Ortodox Romanian architecture, rich in marvellous icons and surrounded by beautiful garden and splendid plantations ! From Monastery TURCU, a long road in forest is up and down , between stones, conducts us to PAUSA or STANISOARA Monastery, and for more brave people, up to COZIA! I spend in 6July 2013, a marvelous day, when, even in Calimanesti and in other the cities nearly the Park was raining very strong, inside the Park, we had sunshine and a very dry way, so all of us, the athletes or amateurs for mountain run can finished our challenges, in a good conditions: the long ( 30 km) or short (21km) race running in difficult routes ! Me, in special I had an Angel all the time nearly me, which bring the help every time when I was in need. So if someone wants to visit a land of miracle, the Massive COZIA mountains in Romania, the guardian of Cozia Monastery, is one of them1EvaChiser
    • josephinee437 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      beautiful surrounding, next to the olt river, nice architecture+ paintings+ beautiful inner courtyard
    • RaduA710 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Cozia monastery is built in 14th century. Its a place with a great orthodox architecture, paintings are old and i valuate them as amaizing. Great byzanthine icons and all the place is like a piece of heaven. If you get to visit suroundings and if you are passionated by nature... well you in heaven. Great mountains around, magic places ! be prepared with hiking equipment and get in good shape because many hours you will have to walk to find the amaizing spots around,. It worth every single minute!
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