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busteni mountain

  • 景点介绍
  • busteni mountain
  • 景点印象
    • D8737MVcatherinem 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Very misty when we went but still well worth the visit. Really cool rock formations at the top of the hill, plenty of tracks to follow if you fancy a walk, take a look at the map before you leave the cable car station then you will have a bit of confidence about wandering off, especially if it's foggy,
    • Chris1199 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This should really be called by its correct name - the Bucegi mountains. These are about an hour and a half north of Bucaresti ( Bucharest). The railway line from Bucaresti to Brasov travels up the Valea Prahovei on their eastern and most dramatic flank. Jagged rocky cliffs and ridges beside steep gullies rise up about 1000 metres. There are two main towns in the valley, Sinaia and Busteni. Busteni is in the most dramatic setting, surrounded by a steep cirque of cliffs, and is full of large tourist hotels. Sinaia is less developed and we found it offered good basic cheap accommodation. Regular shuttle buses ply the road between them. There are cable cars from both towns. The ride from Busteni to Cabana Babele is certainly spectacular as you pass very close to the steep cliffs, and most other reviewers seem to refer just to this - certainly a major attraction, but this sells the area short. The top of the range is quite surprisingly, with gentle rolling meadows interspersed with unusual rock formations.
    • Misu2006 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The mountains offer a lot of attractions and beautiful views. There are many ways of access and every town deserves a visit. I visited many times since they are the closest mountains from where I live. I don’t do climbing so I use the car or the cable car.
    • LBrown11 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The cable car was closed due to high winds so we arranged a jeep ride up the mountain with an independent company that was hanging out near the cable car building in Sinaia. You've got to have a sense of adventure to ride with these guys... but it was one of the most memorable things from our trip. Not really because of the mountain, but it was all about the journey in this case! The driver of the van that took us to the jeeps drove like a maniac in a white utility van that had only 1/2 of the seat belts working, winding up the dangerous mountain hairpin turns. But WOW was it an adrenaline rush! Not for the faint of heart. Then once we got to the jeep, the jeep ride was so fun as you're off-roading over boulders and dirt paths. We found out later that what these guys were doing was illegal as you're not supposed to be driving on those roads, but hey.... when in Romania :) So I'd say that this attraction would be rated average if just looking at the views and going up on the gondola. But to add another level of spice to your experience (and to save 10 Lei!), take the jeeps!!! I would not recommend this to anyone that is at all afraid of unsafe driving conditions or easily gets motion sickness.
    • Dude_loves_to_travel 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Since friends recommended this trip with the cable car and raved about the great view from the peek we decided to take the easy way up and planned to hike to the big white cross. There are also two rocks on the plateau which are protected as natural Heritage by the European Union.It is a pity that our trip did not meet our expectations at all. Well the trip with the cable car was quite amusing, since it is a long time ago that I had ride in an semi-antique cable car. The high light was that we saw a bear on our way up. At the station on the top I was shocked. When we left the building the first thing we saw was a big heap of litter with plastic bottles, broken glass, rubble, …! But that was not the negative high light, that was just the first impression. Walking towards the rocks I thought we were on a dump. I am used to hike on mountains all over Europe, but what I saw here was the worst experience ever. The whole place is full of litter, spoiled with rubbish, not worth the visit.It was one of the most annoying observations I ever made during a vacation trip. Sorry to say that, but with an attitude like that the responsible persons spoil a great chance for a touristic attraction.
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