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  • 景点介绍
  • 盖迪米纳斯塔
  • 景点印象
    • RimaVilnius 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Gediminas hill tower is a place where the history of Vilnius starts. Grand duke Gediminas, who built a castle and founded the city of Vilnius, is one of the most important personalities in the history of Lithuania. For locals it is a very special place. May be tower by itself is not that impressive, but city views are worth to see. I prefer to go to the tower on foot, but there is an elevator as well. There is a small museum inside the tower, nothing special, but if you want to know history of Vilnius it might be interesting.
    • HanneAker 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I saw the Gediminas Tower when we walked around by the Cathedral, and decided to see what it was. I've never heard about this before, but was intrigued by the possibility of a good view of the whole city. The story and history of the tower turned out to be very interesting, so I would recommend reading about it first. We walked up to the tower, which was a nice walk, about 10 min. When we got to the top, you could pay 2 euros to get inside the tower and go all the way up, which we did. Inside, there were photos from the Sovjet-era, and uniforms from 17th century and so. The view was magnificent! Would recommend this to everyone that wants to know the history of one of the most important landmarks in Lithuania, or to just see the view over Vilnius.
    • Karo92 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Totally worth it going up the hill - you can see the old town of Vilnius and the new part of the city on the other side of the river Neris. Possible to go into tower as well. You can also go up the hill by funicular. There is a fee if you want to enter the tower or go by funicular. Only sightseeing is for free.
    • 838gintarem 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      You have to visit Gediminas Tower. From the top You will see a beautiful panoramic view of Vilnius and will make many nice pictures.
    • alexanderSpain 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Well worth the climb but you can take the fenicular.Great views and an interesting tower with some artifacts.It is one of those places tnt you decided it was worth the effort.
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