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eglise st-joseph

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  • eglise st-joseph
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    • marais75012 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Le Havre suffered severly during the war, and the St Joseph Church is part of Perret's masterplan for the reconstruction. Weird from the outside, impressive from the inside, it is a unique construction and a must for admirerers of Perret's work.
    • 729HayleyS 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This modern looking building is beautiful on the inside. Large thick concrete columns hold up large coloured glass windows.
    • normandyt 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The church is part of a comprehensive rebuild of Le Havre by the architect, Auguste Perret, he had a unique vision...Why the rebuild? The town and it’s inhabitants suffered terribly during WW2. Le Havre was still occupied some months after D-Day and strategically vital so the Allies agreed to a desperate plan; the unforgiving ‘Operation Astonia’.This rain of bombs upon Le Havre on 5 & 6 September was so extensive it became known as the storm of iron and fire. But just to make sure bombing continued for another three days.Le Havre was finally liberated on 12 September, at an appalling cost. Our before and now images of Le Havre, plus the full story here http://www.normandythenandnow.com/concrete-serenity-in-le-havre
    • Oleg-Oksana 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Absolutely stunning monument. Do not hesitate to go inside and see how light the structure is, despite its outer appearance.
    • JorgeS438 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      NIce chuch around 5 minutes walking from the Hotel Pasino Le Havre. It's impossible don't stop for a photo.
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