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  • 景点介绍
  • 圣韦恩跳蚤市场
    This huge flea market, just north of the 18th Arrondissement, has been...
  • 景点印象
    • JK77814 图标 图标 图标 图标

    • 匿名 图标 图标 图标 图标

      【Isle-sur-la-Sorgue】在普羅旺斯平原腹地,有據說是在巴黎Marche aux Puces de Saint Ouen和倫敦Portebello之後的世界第三大古董市場。與前兩個相較,我更愛這個,很多精緻的decoration,或者偏愛於旁邊汩汩流淌的小河和陽光也未可知。一小時內收入十張百年前的巴黎明信片,還有下圖另一件猜是什麼?
    • 匿名 图标 图标 图标 图标

      巴黎最大的跳蚤市场 Le marche aux Puces de Saint-Ouen, 好多美丽的古着和古灵精怪的东西。各种上个世纪的爱玛仕、香奈儿。古董相机、家具、首饰。视觉饕餮啊~
    • ger_in_clare 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Spread over a huge area, it is worth visiting these markets just to take a look. The intricate pattern of alleyways, peppered with old, gnarled trees and surprising twists and turns, adds an otherworldly feel to the place. Stepping in to the markets from the bustling, slightly grubby streets outside transports you immediately to a place of delicious quirkiness. There's something for everyone - to see - but prices are high, so be prepared to walk away! As with any flea market you just never know what you will find, and the hidden stories behind the goods would fascinate anyone with a vivid imagination. A lovely experience, even if we didn't buy.
    • 496carmenj 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The neighbourhood is not the most nice one in Paris. But this market is really cool!! You don't expect it to be here ( when you get out of the subwaystation porte clignacourt ) We didnt felt so good, cause a lot of people were beggin for money or pushing phones/bags/watches in your hands to buy. But eventually we crossed the road towards st. ouen, walked along ,and suddenly we saw different kind of people ( fancy dressed ) going trough a door, that ended up in a tiny street with the antique little stores, adorable!! And soo much fun to see all the old things, paintings, dolls, jewelry, etc etc. we liked it a lot! If you love old stuff, a different kind of souvenir or a amazing piece of furniture, go and visit this market!
    • eholbrook 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Of the several markets I would only rate a few as flea markets. They are mostly very over priced glassed in and guarded store fronts with way too much outrageous high end items. Next time I will go to one of Paris's other markets.
    • hellochet 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I lived in Paris for over a decade and this was one of my favs. I have found some unique gifts here for my family.....I bought a pre WWII map of Europe for my dad (a WWII buff) for a song. Can be pricey at some stands but such a hoot!
    • shashab33 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Even though this northern suburb has few remarkable sights to offer, it still draws Parisians to take the long metro ride out there. The reason is easy to understand once you have done your initial pilgrimage.... it is one of the world's largest flea markets. Held every Saturday, Sunday and Monday between the Porte de Clignancourt and the Porte de saint-Ouen, offering antiques and bric-a-brac to fill your collecter's heart There is another crowd that gravitate here for the cemetery , home to artists like Suzanne Valadon and muse for Toulouse Lautrac, but also writers like Odon von Horvath. Back at the super- marche, spread oput over a massive area, it has something for everyone and of-course for serious collectors, treasure-hunters, who have their work cut out for them working their way through tons of junk before finding something of value. Every trip to paris is not complete by attending this lovely market and having a superb lunch at local hang-outs.
    • Stathis75 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I have visited so many flea markets around Europe and this is probably the biggest one! Though you have to take the metro till porte de Clignancourt which is at the northern part of Paris, i think it is really worthwhile. It has a huge selection of antique furnitures, silver items, chendeliers, paintings and renaissance style mirrors is very expensive as if you were visiting an antique shop of a snob Paris quartier! If you intend to purchase something you have to know in mind that you may spend a small fortune! No bargain prices here. If you hope to leave the city of light with an antique piece in your hands. If so choose another flea market as the one at porte de Vanves which may be much smaller but far cheaper!
    • strawberrykiwijello 图标 图标 图标 图标

      My husband and I spent part of an afternoon here walking around taking in the Paris 'flea market' experience. It's not quite a flea market, as it's more of a collection of individual shoppes.Definitely worth going if you are a serious antiquer!The walk from the train is a little sketchy - you will be approached to purchase knock-off goods and I suggest watching your pockets, especially under the bridge!
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