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le cassissium

  • 景点介绍
  • le cassissium
    Discover the world of blackcurrants through our interactive exhibition...
  • 景点印象
    • Filmfansw4 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Lots of parking space out front - but there is also plenty of coach spaces - and big groups do seem to take over. We had to join a French-speaking tour of the factory, but were given English audio guides. However as I speak French, I found that some bits seemed to be missing from the English version, and we didn't get a lot of chance to digest one chunk of information before passing onto the next. After the whistle-stop factory tour we then went into the main building - some of the displays look half-built and have information missing. Some of the interactives also only worked in French - and thiings seemed to be a bit disorganised. The informtion is very comprehensive - who would have thought that France is only the third biggest producer of blackcurrants - UK is top! However, when we got to the tasting - we could have carried on until they would have scooped us up off the ground! I called a halt after trying 3 different versions of blackcurrent flavoured brandy... The tasting area could have done with some places to sit, but perhaps this is deliberate, so they can tell if someone is swaying! Visit ended in the shop, of course, but the prices were higher than elsewhere, so I didn't succumb.
    • GuySeabrook 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This is one of many places where cassis is made - it's interesting but somewhat disorganized. It took them considerable time to find us audio guides, the displays are informative but random and we had found better prices on cassis in the Beaune co-op winery. But it has everything you ever wanted to know about blackcurrants - it may be unique.
    • ndirande 图标 图标 图标 图标

      we chose not to do the tour but were given a lovely tasing. I had never had supercassis before, it was very intense. the gift shop was great and reasonably priced
    • gk2005 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The Cassissium is located close to the center of Nuits Saint George. We visited a museum dedicated to black currant. You can even see a movie in English, duration of 20 min and finally, we have made a generous great tasting. The staff was very nice, and we spent a really good time here.
    • noeller102 图标 图标 图标 图标

      C'est un endroit à découvrir. La visite est bien faite, c'est intéressant ! On commence par un petit film puis on part à la découverte de la fabrique les explications données par le guide sont claires, relevé par un trait d'humour tout à fait agréable. La visite se termine sur une dégustation de crème de cassis mais également de sirops pour les enfants (et les plus grands).
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