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  • 景点介绍
  • nibelungenmuseum
  • 景点印象
    • Conwegian 图标 图标 图标

      Perhaps if I had been familiar with the Nibelungenlied ahead of time I would have enjoyed the visit more. As it was, the Wagner fan in our group was disappointed and the rest of us were just baffled. There is an audio guide - if you have time to listen to the extra bits they are helpful, but they do interrupt the flow. It is fun to see the inside of the old town wall. My advice is that if you are planning a visit to this museum read up a bit first on the legend!
    • Erwinfd 图标 图标 图标

      After reading some of the tripadvisor reviews I wasn't expecting much from the Nibelungen Museum, but I walked away wishing I had more time to finish the entire tour before I had to catch my train. The audio guide, which comes in English, is very good. The narrator explains the saga in an entertaining way and explains the history behind the story.I went in knowing very little about the saga and left the museum with a good understanding of the story and the history behind it. For the price, the museum is fair value and is a great day out for history lovers. I would also say it's very family friendly too.
    • 458evelyne 图标 图标 图标

      I went in knowing very little about the Nibelungenlied, and came out eager to read it and hear more of it. Very interesting museum, even though it's just an audio tour. Make sure you listen to it all! It takes some time, but I thought it was very worth it to stick with it to the end.
    • Gordon766 图标 图标 图标

      The museum is set in the old town wall, which makes it very atmospheric. It consists of two towers joined by a walkway. As you go up the first tower there are screens playing short clips from the original silent film of the Nibelungen, directed by Fritz Lang. As you stop at each station, the audio-guide gives you a paraphrased version of the Myth of the Nibelungen. The narration is by the 'author' of the myth and includes the ways in which the myth was misused by the Nazis during WWII. The narration is actually quite well done. Then you move along the walkway into the second tower. Here the audio-guide gives you the original myth. The second tower has chairs where you can sit to hear each episode, but the whole scenario is utterly boring. You have already heard a paraphrase of the tale. The only way that the second tower could be of any interest whatsoever is if the curators had created an atmosphere where you felt you were in the tale, with scenery, lighting etc. Instead there are wooden chairs with tiny pictures on the arms and nothing more - they could have made it so much better!
    • LuisCarlosGorisch 图标 图标 图标

      Otimo e muito preservado Museum, vale a pena de visitar, pois a paissagem externa e tao bonito quanto a interna
    • Wartenberger 图标 图标 图标

      Mit dem Audioguide auf den Ohren versinkt man in die Zeit der Nibelungen und erfährt auch als nicht ganz Unerfahrener noch viel Neues und Interessantes. Unbedingt sehen- und hörenswert!
    • Ekaterina-VVO 图标 图标 图标

      Перед посещением этого музея нужно быть готовым к тому, что это в основном аудиогид, и не на русском. То есть можно посмотреть-послушать со знанием языка, а без знания - просто посмотреть.
    • 433RenateK 图标 图标 图标

      Bevor man in dieses Museum geht muss einem klar sein das es von einer Sage keine Ausstellungsstücke gibt. Ich finde es gut gemacht, mit einem Audio Guide. Die Nibelungensage ist für Kinder und Erwachsene gut aufbereitet.
    • freundorient 图标 图标 图标

      Очень интересный музей, наполненный духом преданий и мифов.Перед посещением необходимо кратко ознакомиться с этим сказанием хотя бы вкратце, чтобы понимать о чем речь. Вы получаете наушники и проходя мимо экспонатов и этапов этого эпоса, слышите рассказ и объяснения. На русском языке не было записи и мы довольствовались немецким оригиналом. Во дворе, перед стеной могила Зигфрида, и камень, который он якобы поднимал
    • 415ullrichb 图标 图标 图标

      Wenn man zum Museum kommt, fällt als erstes die überhaupt nicht zur Stadtmauer passende Metallverkleidung am Eingang auf.Innen hört man zwar Mario Adorfs Lesungen, um die zu hören, muß ich aber nicht in ein Museum gehen. Verglichen mit Besuchen anderer Ausstellungen aus der Historie oder aus sagenhaften Geschichten hatte ich hier das Gefühl, meine Zeit verschwendet zu haben.Wenn einem zum Thema "Nibelungen" nicht mehr einfällt, sollte man besser auf die Einrichtung einer solchen Einrichtung verzichten und nicht ein solch phantasieloses Museum als Touristenattraktion anbieten.
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