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kerkini lake

  • 景点介绍
  • kerkini lake
  • 景点印象
    • ChrisinStroud 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The lake was home to a large colony of Dalmatian Pelicans and masses of other water birds. Nightingales and warblers were plentiful around the edges and lots of butterflies in the flowery meadows. Take mosquito repellent just in case!
    • TheVeggieNomad 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Amazing birding experience. Visited in November and observed 71 species of birds including flamingos, dalmatian pelican, and black stork. This location makes for an amazing Thracian nature adventure. We day tripped from Bulgaria, which means you need ID for the border crossing although you are in the EU the entire time. Do not miss this unique opportunity.
    • NavigatorJ9 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      A great example of what can be achieved by a group of passionate enthusiasts. The lake has great access for bird watching. We will definitely be back in the spring.
    • ArisWon 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Nature at its best. 1.20 minutes drive from Thessaloniki. Unique place in Europe. Thousand of water buffalos swimming in the crystal clear waters. Don't miss to taste buffalo meat and sweets made of buffalo milk
    • th_agorastos 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      If you are in the region, visiting this place is a must. The scenery is very beautiful and if you visit it during dawn or dusk he colors are tremendous. You can see a lot of different endangered species of birds and animals. Apart from the scenery itself there are a few interesting activities around the lake. I specifically suggest horse riding or bicycling around the lake.
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