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  • 景点介绍
  • 贡洽斯河峡谷
  • 景点印象
    • 耀坤廖 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Rio de las conchas 源远流长,雨水侵蚀土山汇聚成此河,也形成 quebrada de las conchas,短短六十多公里,集合了许多景观,的确是相当惊人。但比起quebrada de las flechas (40号公路往cachi),其实有点逊色。quebrada de las conchas 颜色太阴暗,形状也太阴森,除了65公里处la garganta del diablo 很不错之外,其余都太过阴森,会这么有名的原因应该是容易抵达吧?相较之下,quebrada de las flechas 就显得更为壮丽,颜色也更多变化,如果自己开车,实在应该前往一睹,只是土路颠簸,兼之偶尔恶水断路,但非常值得。事实上,我更建议cayafate 到cachi之间这段旅程,虽然崎岖难走,但瑰丽的山河会让你大呼不枉此行!
    • VMeverywhere 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

    • louise_dufresne 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      这次行车穿过不同地貌和颜色的山峰,感觉难以置信。大自然的鬼斧神工,el Río de las Conchas,la Garganta del Diablo(恶魔的咽喉)以及Anfiteatro都很壮美。
    • Daydreamer58 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

    • TomWall60 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

    • Mountains999 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We stayed in Cafayate for 3 nights. Picked up a local tour from an office in the square. It was excellent !. Some driving in a mini bus and some walking at the various incredible view points. A very friendly and informative local guide. In our opinion this is certainly the best way to see the splendour of the Quebrada. You will be told but don't ignore the advice to cover up/use sunscreen and take a lot of water. Wear stout shoes !.Enjoy it.
    • miguelb441 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The drive from Salta to Cafayate winds through the Quebrada del Rio de las Conchas offering great views of colorful and ragged mountain ranges. There are several interesting rock formations on the way to stop and get some close-up photo opportunities or simply enjoy the views. The drive to Cafayate and back is fairly long and would probably be more enjoyable if you can stay 1 or 2 nights at Cafayate and visit the wineries while you're there. Also, if you can grab a tour rather than driving yourself, you'll find it less tiring and will be able to enjoy the views.
    • 387sandrai 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Colours, rock formations and amazing views! Took a tour for about 5h, went in a small group with a very good guide, a lot of interesting explanations. Some hiking.
    • Dajoma 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The changing shapes and colours of the rock formations is stunning. The only problem is that it is difficult to know when not to take a photograph. You could spend a couple of days in this area, just taking in the splendour of the landscape. If you use your imagination, you can recognize all kinds of different shapes in the rocks.
    • davidgoldberg1 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      90 Km SW of Salta on the road to Cafayate, tectonic shifts occurring more than 2 million years ago have created one of the most wondrous natural spectacles on our planet ------ a wide but relatively flat gorge where rocks of rainbow colours, weird shapes, and exotic textures protect the Rio Conchas that meanders through the area. Comparisons such as the Badlands of Arizona, the Grand Canyon (although much more shallow), and the biblical outcrops of Timmna in the Israeli desert and Petra in Jordan come to mind. It is essential to think of this place not just as a pretty spectacle: it is also rife with cultural and religious significance for the original inhabitants whose offspring continue to populate the provinces of Northern Argentina, and whose physical features resemble those of their native brethren in Peru and Bolivia. Many of the exotic rock formations shaped by wind and water, including now-extinct waterfalls, are reminiscent of distinct structures whose names they have been given: including Devil’s Throat, Castle, Amphitheatre, Windows, and Obelisk. We saw this exceptional landscape during a bus tour from Salta to and from Cafayate, stopping at points along each side of the road in both directions. It turned into a 13-hour ride (although advertised as only 10 – 11 hours in total) and wiped us out for the next day or two. I believe that 4-hour return journeys are available from Cafayate and Salta independently, and if I were doing this again, that is how I would do it, but it is something you simply cannot omit on a journey to Northern Argentina.
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