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plaza 10 de noviembre

  • 景点介绍
  • plaza 10 de noviembre
  • 景点印象
    • HelenaGuerra 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Huge central plaza without much to admire but the countless protests the locals put in place while we were there (not kidding one each day that we were there). You'll come through this place when you come to town but don't dream of a beautiful square.
    • lmari535 图标 图标 图标 图标

      There isn't anything really spectacular about Postosi's plaza. It is actually quite small. The thing that really gets me though is just getting there. I've driven to/in Potosi many times now and it is ALWAYS a horrible adventure to find your way to the main plaza! Ummmm, anybody ever heard of road signs and accurate maps?!
    • marquestra 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Lots to look at, nice wood sculptures all around the plaza, nicely trimmed hedges, lawn which we hadn't yet seen in Bolivia!!! Great gathering place in front of the twin towered cathedral. A nice starting point to wander from, always great to have a centrally located park as a bearing in an area you are new to… Hope this review was helpful!!!
    • LisandroVoyager 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Some facades may be lit up on some days giving the place a different aura. Most visitors will criss-cross this plaza several times since it is near the main Plaza.
    • Molly_Mackers 图标 图标 图标 图标

      A nice spot to sit and watch the town of Potosi operate around you. :)
    • Johann&Sandra 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Plaza 10 de Noviembre is the main square of Potosi's historical center. It is surrounded with pretty impressive colonial era buildings like the courthouse, the cathedral and the police station. The plaza itself has a statue in the middle and some benches to sit on, but overall it's pretty ordinary for a Latin American city. It's of course a must-see so that you can see the buildings and imagine what Potosi must have been like in its hey day, but you won't spend a lot of time here, it's not that big and the square has almost no conveniences like restaurants, bars, or shops to keep you here. it's just government buildings.
    • 239valentinav 图标 图标 图标 图标

      A pesar de que Potosí es patrimonio dela humanidad y andan hartos turistas, la plaza conserva un estilo provinciano, es centro de reunión de los mismos potosinos, lugar donde la gente va a conversar, comer un helado o a pololear (tener una cita). Por eso mismo, me agradó sentarme en esta plaza y ver a la gente, además de observar los bellos edificios por los que está rodeada.
    • Tulliorazio 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Desde la Plaza pueden contemplar el majestuoso Cerro Rico y en ella, el monumento al Charango, una especia de guitarra pequeña, instrumento típico de la cultura andina.
    • Eduocione 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Coração de Potosi, fica no centro de todos os points turísticosSugiro o cafe la plata. Bom atendimento e ótimas opções de lanches e cafe
    • angaumet 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Recorrimos la ciudad luego de un extenso viaje, y decidimos descansar un rato en su plaza y quedamos admirados de su arquitectura y colorido cultural, inevitable pasar por ella aunque sea un rato y de alli observar la catedral, el tránsito, las costumbres , etc
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