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loma san jeronimo

  • 景点介绍
  • loma san jeronimo
  • 景点印象
    • JCW703 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This is a poor neighborhood who copied the trend of "La Boca" in Buenos Aires in an attempt to draw tourists and artists and, it worked. The neighborhood homes are brightly painted and the streets are well kept. There are several art galleries, small restaurants, and bars. While I think it is generally safe, I would recommend going, at least for the first time, during the day.
    • alyssamma 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We walked around this area as much as we could, but all we found were run down buildings. We did eat in two places (chipa and ice cream) and they were very good. We also met some people there and they were really nice. But overall the area seemed run down - not in a dangerous way, just in a decrepit way.
    • markt706 图标 图标 图标 图标

      A hidden gem of Asuncion that is well worth a visit. I recommend grabbing one of the kids to show you around, don't forget to give them a tip for their trouble. The locals are friendly and happy to chat with you. If you have limited Spanish they do speak a little English. I can also recommend stopping by the Mojito bar for a Paraguayan spin on the Mojito. Take your camera there are plenty of photo opportunities.
    • CaroR459 图标 图标 图标 图标

      May be because I read such a great reviews about this place I had great expectations, and then I was a little disappointed. It is a nice colorfull neighborhood you can find some nice handcraft and the day I visited there was a salsa class outdoor, so we had a nice time but I wouldnt say this is the second best place to visit in Asuncion thou its a nice place to relax on a Sunday afternoon
    • ChelzWise 图标 图标 图标 图标

      One of Asuncion's hidden beauties. This is a great place to visit on Sundays because they have hostel a cute little festival. You can get amazing art work and jewelry. The little "town" features all different colored houses and decorations. Definitely a great place to spend a Sunday evening.
    • krocme 图标 图标 图标 图标

      San Jeronimo is an old neighborhood that wasn't very nice before the government spoke to all the residents about turning it into a touristy place and they have definitely succeeded! One thing to keep in mind though, I've only been there on Sunday's which is when everyone goes and the place is really going. During the week it's definitely kinda dead and Saturday's i'm not sure either. The original home owners are all still there but now cater to tourists. You can eat home cooked typical Paraguayan foods and even mixed drinks and beer at crazy cheap prices from the residents. They've painted it up in all bright colors and on the main street there's a book store where you can have cocido (typical Paraguayan coffee like drink made with burnt herbs) while browsing. Also a must is going up to the Mirador which is someones house that has a great rooftop with an amazing view of downtown Asuncion and the river and Bay of Asuncion. Also there are a lot of arts and crafts for sale throughout the main streets. San Jeronimo is a very nice and chill Sunday afternoon in Asuncion and I strongly recommend it.
    • 588antor 图标 图标 图标 图标

      es el primer barrio de Asunción, lleno de vida y color, con pasillos que te enamoran, pequeños lugarcitos para tomar o comer algo, los fines de semana se realizan distintas actividades desde ferias de pulgas hasta talleres para niños!! si van allí no olviden visitar el mirador, la vista de la ciudad desde ahí es preciosa sobre todo al atardecer! sólo sean cuidadosos con sus cosas porque nadie se hace responsable de las mismas más que el que va
    • 747simonel 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Resolvi ir no final de semana onde foi comentado que é o agito do local. Distante do centro ( pegue a rua Estrella e vá andando até o final , cerca de umas 10 quadras partindo do centro ). Fui no domingo por volta das 11 horas da manhã e simplesmente não tem nada, nem sequer um boteco para tomar uma água pois o verão asuncino deixa o verão brasileiro congelante. O local tem tudo para dar certo, mas infelizmente não deve receber apoio nenhum. Alguns lugares que parece ser cafeteria estão fechados inclusive com mato crescendo ao redor. Algumas casas coloridas, uma certa decoração com material reciclado ( garrafas pets ) e nada mais que isso.
    • 346isabel 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Estava no centro da cidade e fui caminhando ate la. Fiquei um pouco com medo, olhava para todos os lados, achava que estava no caminho errado, ate que encontrei um jovem paraguaio que foi super gentil e me deu todas as coordenadas e ate se ofereceu para nos acompanhar. A região é bem feia, amedronta....mas não é perigosa. Local que parece ser muito alegre, com cores vibrantes e povo bem sorridente. Fui durante o dia, estava tudo fechado (pequenos estabelecimentos), a noite deve ser bem mais agitado. Perguntei aos policiais do palácio do governo sobre o local não me aconselharam conhecer. No centro de informações turística, ja disseram ao contrario. Resolvi e fui....gosto de conhecer tudo só por isso.
    • 437gabrielv 图标 图标 图标 图标

      El lugar es súper lindo. Especial para ir a pasar la tarde y ver un poco de historia. Muy pintoresco todo y hay lugar para sentarse a merendar o incluso a cenar y tomar unas cervezas. Un buen lugar para visitar.
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