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iglesia de la trinidad

  • 景点介绍
  • iglesia de la trinidad
  • 景点印象
    • 852javierg 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      its the bussiest area in the city now. it was 1 min from casa lola, our hotel, and bursting with people every day. you get good dinning deals arround the area. good food for half the price of other areas.
    • Ebell1 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Frequented by locals, travelers, hippies, families and everyone in between. Great street food all around, cheap drinks and plenty of people to meet and socialize with. Went here a couple of nights on our brief stay in Cartagena and suggest you do as well.
    • gaflygirl 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The plaza right next to the church is a lovely place to hang out at night. There's lots of food and drink carts, a few restaurants and bars, people are out eating and socializing, kids are playing, you might find people out singing or playing their instruments. It's a great place for people watching and chatting with new friends. It's mostly locals that hang out here, but there's a large amount of tourists as well. People hang out all night into the wee hours so if you're not ready to head back to your hostel or hotel, you won't be alone. Police regularly patrol the area so it felt pretty safe. My first night was Sunday, and there was a huge Zumba class with at least 200 people. If I'm not mistaken, this was a weekly event here, not a one time thing. My hotel was a 2 minute walk away and I absolutely loved spending my evenings in the square during my trip.
    • 284caraf 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Pretty Plaza de la Trinidad is a no-miss. It is a real town square where folks gather in the evening and talk, eat street food and go to church. There are several chic restaurants around the square - we ate at many of them - and they were all good/great. There is even a Champagne bar that serves tapas. Or just act like a local and get a beer and chicken on a stick. Can't miss it, it is in the center of Getsamani. The art in that area is wonderful also.
    • Reslimpan 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I stumbled across this place when going to a restaurant in the area. I was lucky enough to get in on a musical festival showcasing Caribbean music and dance. I had a real good time. As far as I could tell this is a place where the local goes. Plenty of restaurants in the area. Demente being the diamond, and as such quite expensive.
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