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convento la popa de la galera

  • 景点介绍
  • convento la popa de la galera
  • 景点印象
    • E9933BVtonym 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This is in a PRIME location in a hill, you should go by taxi, just MAKE SURE you set your price with the driver. Usually they wait for you for at least 30 minutes to drive you back into towm. Do NOT walk up there alone. You will have a great view of the whole Cartagena and the bay, as well will visit a lovely Spanish Style convent house and the Chapel. A most to do in Cartagena
    • Torte_Sue 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We were on a private tour, and our guide started the tour by taking us to Convento La Popa. It was a festival day, and there was no parking, so our driver had to wait at the bottom and return for us. There were many stands set up because of the festival and there were many people walking up the highest hill in Cartagena stopping at the Stations of the Cross along the way. There were some donkeys as well. I have mobility issues and would not have made the long walk!There are beautiful views of the entire city from the top.We were able to go in the small chapel to see the beautiful gold altar, a gift from a hotel. However, we were not able to see the convent interior, except for a brief view into the cloister.The legend is that an Augustinian monk had a dream to found a monastery at the tallest point in Cartagena. He found people worshipping a goat which he threw over the cliff. He then built an image of the Virgin de la Candelaria. The convent, originally constructed in the 1700's, was reconstructed in the 1960s after falling into disrepair.
    • jzjsolo7 图标 图标 图标 图标

      It was interesting hearing about the history of this convent built in 1607 from our guide. Best of all is the beautiful view of the city including the modern buildings and the old walled city. It is 150 meters above sea level so you see a long way.
    • Ama90 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We walked from our hostel in getsemani all the way trough the city. In the hostel they said we have to take a taxi, but if you like walking (1h) it's also possible. Alternativ you can take a bus, and then walk the Street 20-30 minutes up. No need to take a taxi! It's save, in the way up you will find at least 5 times police(at least in the evening). In the way you can buy also Snacks or Drinks. Up the Hill you will have a great few of the whole city! We went there at6pm, so you will see the sundown behind the city centre!
    • Andrezanella 图标 图标 图标 图标

      It's at 150 m above the see level, so you have a great view from the city, the convent was built in 1607 and today it's the homeplace of the Virgem de La Popa, wich is known as the protector of the city and of the people of Cartagena. It's a must go in Cartagena.
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