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hartley's crocodile adventures

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  • hartley's crocodile adventures
    Located just 40 minutes north of Cairns and 25 minutes south of Port...
  • 景点印象
    • lyndsaysch 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      因为要去Hartley渡过一整天,我激动不已,而且因为是当地人我有点持怀疑的态度。但我完全震惊了!从各方面来说都是很棒的一天,这确实是一个很棒的澳洲野外体验,不论是对旅行者还是当地人都是不错的经历。从进门时的欢迎到最后的道别,每一位工作人员都非常热情。从餐厅可以看到环礁湖,食物很棒,还有很大壶的茶,咖啡也总是那么好。与Duncan一起的乘船旅行非常刺激——他非常风趣,也非常有活力,很接近Steve Irwin,确实有鳄鱼从水下跳出来!!我是上午11点到的,离开的时候是下午5点,他们的时间安排非常好,我没有错过任何活动,包括舞蛇表演,喂考拉熊等等。活动非常丰富,让我们感觉到了我们是多么幸运,也让我们知道了应该保护我们美丽的自然环境。Hartley团队你们太棒了——你们非常出色!谢谢,希望你们像我一样愉快。
    • teachingorlando 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      我没有给这个地方五颗星的原因有两个:1. 在我们呆在澳大利亚的十天里除了友好感受到的还是友好,可是午餐时那位上了年纪的,既小气又喜欢胡思乱想的女人着实震到了我们。我们在午餐时就和她有了摩擦,后来晚上买水的时候又有些不愉快,也许她度过了十分糟糕的一天?! 2. 这里没什么景观可看,所有的都要走过展会之间那段很长的路。除了这些之外,其他都很好,请千万不要因为这些原因而让您望而却步!我们也在这度过了很多愉快的时光!我们原本只打算去凯恩斯热带动物园(见我写的其它评论),因为我们预定了和考拉一起吃早饭,也预定了交通工具,但是我们发现我们不能一天都呆在那,然后我们又偶然间发现这两个地方属于同一家公司(公车上有标记,公园的墙上也有),所以我们问了一下是否可以来动物园这边接我们,然后把我们送到Harley's。他们大概花了三十分钟能够来安排这件事(因为他们需要联系公车司机),然后公车大概又花了三十分钟来接我们,最后,快到中午的时候,我们终于到了Harley's.服务台的女士详细地告诉我们应该如何在这度过一个下午,以及乘坐Hartley's Lagood 游船的规定时间。我们先吃了午餐(我们不愉快的经历就是在那里发生的,但食物还算体面---只是很贵,澳大利亚的餐馆都很贵),然后去了蛇展。那里很有趣。我们看到一条蛇吃了一只(死)老鼠。接着我们急急忙忙去乘船(船是每隔30分钟一趟,所以很少时间用来登船)。乘船的地方就是他们喂鳄鱼的地方。太棒了!我们非常喜欢。船长非常有趣!接着我们又赶去鳄鱼袭击秀(真的,一切都很赶,因为他们的时间安排紧凑和不同地方的距离又很远),这个秀很有意思!负责这个秀表演的正是我们的船长,非常有趣,有非常有教育意义。实际上,看完这个秀之后,我们没剩多少时间。我们去看了袋鼠,去到的时候正好看到他们被喂食。动物园饲养员太不错了,说如果我们想,我们可以亲手喂它们。这些袋鼠喜欢玉米和香蕉!太可爱了。然后,我们走路去看火鸡是怎么饲养的,那里很整洁。我们甚至可以用手透过围栏喂他们食物。我会传一张地图的图片,这样你就可以明白为什么我让你们加快速度。我们做的最后一件事是去看无尾熊。当他们变得非常活跃时就可以得到新的胶叶。他们太可爱了!总的来说,我很高兴我们花了半天在动物园,又花了半天在这,多么的迅速的行动!如果您来凯恩斯,我肯定会建议你到这里玩。.
    • Abigail1307 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      我很高兴带我的家人朋友第一次去了新南威尔士的中央海岸。那天我们玩的多开心啊!从在前面办公室里欢迎我们,到在商店里说再见,我们发现这里的每个工作人员都很乐于助人哦,而且友好又见闻广博,也是很有趣的哦!(邓肯是最幽默的一个哦:))因为正好是男孩子们的生日,在蛇表演中他们被要求上去帮忙,他们有一个很完美的球哦!我们都非常喜欢鳄鱼表演,非常非常的具有教育性哦,游船旅行--非常的有趣哦(多亏有邓肯哦),我们的午饭也是非常梦幻的哦(美味的用盐和胡椒做的鳄鱼哦)-- 真是个令人愉快的餐厅哦!非常非常的干净的哦!下午在我们看蛇和鳄鱼的优秀表演之前我们在运动场上进行了愉快的探索哦!真是一次令人愉快的,物有所值的快乐的一天啊。我等不及要再来玩了--下个月,再来玩!这就是哈特利一家的美好的一天,十分感谢。
    • NicoleA160 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

    • Greensmoothie 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

    • TopLeaf 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We were on our way to Port Douglas and there was a traffic jam due to an accident further down the road so we took a side trip into the park. The feeding sessions were interesting, the boat tour was ok and all in all, a good time filler for us whilst we waited for the traffic congestion to clear.
    • tiffanyl373 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Ton of animals to see and lots to learn. By far the best bang for your buck in the Cairnes Willdlife Circle. You are guaranteed to see crocodiles in the lagoon and we saw them eat which was a once in a lifetime experience. Crocodile farm was educational but kinda sad. Not their fault at all, Dunkin did a great job of keeping it light and goofy so the kids could learn and have fun. The best parts of the tour are the snakes and crocodile shows. Damien was amazing. He made the experience. I used to be afraid of snakes but after the show I even put one around my neck. Not something I think my husband would ever see but thanx to Damien he made it seem harmless. I mean don't go chasing venomous snakes but a tame non poisonous snake is not something to be afraid of. Thanx for an awesome experience!
    • ElliottA17 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Had a really enjoyable day here - Croc attack and snake shows a definite highlight for our family of 2 adults and 2 young children.
    • 1986couple 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Hartley's was recommend to us and we were very glad we visited!Cost of entry varies from individuals, couples and families however you can get relay good deals if you pre buy through for example RACV, RACQ ETC.The insight about how Hartley's began, their involvement in eradicating the black market killing of crocodiles and the education messages given about crocodiles, their habitat were enjoyable for all in our group from senior to toddlers.The opportunity to be up close to a crocodile in a safe manner was a great experience.Hartley's also has koalas, wallabies, cassowaries, bird aviary, snake education show, bearded dragons and much more to name a few.We enjoyed a scrumptious lunch at the cafe at Hartley's. The menu choice was great from simple Vegemite sandwiches, pre-made / cooked Focaccia's, hot chips etc, however our group ordered, (to name a few), prawn stir fry, barramundi salad & chips and a frittata with salad, all of which were fresh and delicious and very reasonably priced.The staff were so friendly and informative from the moment we entered, the experiences throughout Hartley's and on our exit, so thank you to all at Hartley's for a truly great day and experience!!We would return and highly recommend a visit to Hartley's for people of all ages!
    • sprachelle87 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I visited Hartley's with my mum, dad and boyfriend as part of our holiday in Port Douglas and it was one of the highlights of the holiday for the whole family. The day itself was absolutely fantastic with so much to see from the crocodile feeding show, river boat cruise, crocodile attack show, snake talk, koala feeding (plus the chance to pat one of the lovely cuddly koalas) and the biggest surprise of the day was the kangaroo and wallaby feeding. Given this was a crocodile farm and attraction, we had no idea there would be kangaroos! My parents were over here from the UK so the chance for them to see and feed some of Australia's national emblems was a fantastic addition to the day. Would highly recommend this day trip to anyone-adults and children alike. Special shout out to one of the handlers Damien who was an absolute legend-very funny and clearly an expert in his field. If you can join him on the river boat cruise and the crocodile attack show you are in for a real treat!
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