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hemlock resort

  • 景点介绍
  • hemlock resort
    Hemlock Valley Resort is a small ski resort located in the Douglas Ranges...
  • 景点印象
    • SA_in_BC 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We went to Hemlock Valley sight unseen and without any real word of mouth - just a mention on a website and an impressive looking set of pictures and options on their own website.What a pleasant surprise. We had an absolutely fabulous time. There was NO (repeat: No) lineups for the chairlifts and the runs were well maintained and groomed - even with as little recent snow as they've been having. There was, at the time, 70cm at the lodge and 170cm at the top.The kids had a lovely time as well - as they are both younger than 6 they each had their own instructor. They'll also teach kids as young as 2 - and our 2 year old learned so much more than we thought she would.Hemlock Valley Resort is definately one of those 'hidden' gems that few people know about, but almost everyone that does know, love it.
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