la mina falls

  • 景点介绍
  • la mina falls
  • 景点印象
    • rr0hit 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This can be reached by one of two hikes from a parking lot within the El Yunque rainforest, both of which are a little less than a mile long, taking anywhere between 25- 35 minutes depending on how slowly you walk and take time to admire the beauty of the forest's sights and sounds.The hike is moderately difficult, and the one we took from the lower parking lot was not too hard, in that there are alternative sections of uphill and downhill hikes. The falls itself, when we got there at the end of the hike, was a little disappointing, because of the fact that it wasn't super big / clean for us to feel like wanting to jump in. The rocks are a little slippery and kids would need a lot of supervision.
    • jonathani792 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The way down is treacherous. Slippery, uneven, and narrow, you definitely do not want to rush your hike down or up. And it is quite a hike - it can take more than an hour round trip (and that's if you don't linger too long at the base). So budget your time accordingly - at least 90-120 minutes for this stop. And it's true - the falls are not that big, especially when crowded. But what I loved was the nature flanking the trail. I frequently allowed people to pass me up as I stopped and just breathed in the scenery, from the canopy to the roots of the towering trees and ferns, just in awe of the sheer amount of life that surrounded me.So, for me, the falls themselves were not the highlight. It was on the way there and on the way back (which while faster for me, was also more physically demanding) that made this attraction worth it.
    • RichardinOhio 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      From the Colorado parking area, it's about 30-35 minutes to hike to the falls over a very narrow, slippery path. If you get behind a large tour group, it's difficult to pass them. Perhaps the hike from the lower parking area is less difficult. The falls were disappointing--not very large at all. It is over-run by people swimming in the pool at the base. There is no seating, except on the rocks. The water is very cool and refreshing, however.The climb back to Colorado is strenuous--they list it as "challenging," and we agreed.
    • lakechiro 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Nice cool shaded trail (like most in El Yunque), some elevation change but made easier with much cemented surfaces. The falls were quite crowded which elminated my zen experience. There is a shorter trail (quite a bit more rugged definitely no cement or nature markers) just before you get to the La Mina trailhead that is found on the right hand side of the road and you are going up. This trail head is marked but not well (I think I saw either on a map or small sign that is says you can stop to see pools alongside the road) and there is a post just like the others that mark trailheads but no other sinage. This trail takes you up to two different waterfalls that were less crowded and more relaxing.
    • ricardov765 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This is another POST card stop , park on the side road in the first spot available and walk ,well worth a stop for pictures and refreshing under the water
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