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little bay

  • 景点介绍
  • little bay
  • 景点印象
    • AkronTravelBug 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We rented a paddle boat from da 'Vida and paddled our way over to Little Bay. There were two boats and a few people snorkeling. My only regret was not bringing our snorkeling gear (we left it at da 'Vida). This was our first time paddle boating, and it was a blast. Great experience and you get a different perspective the island. I wanted to climb the rock, but without shoes, it looked difficult with the sharp edge. Maybe next time. It was a cloudy, rainy day, but it had no impact on our adventures.
    • Tosh09 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Little Bay should really change it's name to Busy Bay or maybe Crowded Bay. When we came here (with Calvin) it was lots of boats and snorkelers here. Some even from other islands than Anguilla. I guess this place is now so famous that everybody has to come here. There are many better beaches on Anguilla.
    • Jsg373 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Gorgeous bay. Secluded. Decent snorkling. Cliff jumps and rope climb if you get bored. Go with Calvin. Just go to Crocus Bay and ask for Calvin.
    • Armbar0731 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This is a tiny little bay that you need a boat to get to unless you can scale down a cliff wall. Calvin will take you there for $15 each from Crocus Bay. He’s usually under a tree playing dominos so look for him – he’s easy to find. He drops you off and you tell him when you want to be picked back up and he’ll be there. We stayed for 1.5 hours and that seemed like a good time….2 hours would be okay but wouldn’t want to be there longer. This place has great snorkeling and a huge rock you can jump off of into the water – just don’t go all the way to the ground when you jump in as there are sea urchins at the bottom. Sea turtles and starfish are in the area. This was the place where I was literally surrounded by tens of thousands of fish about 1 – 1.5 inches long…small fish but very neat to experience.
    • Leahsxm 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We had heard about being able to access Little Bay via a hill/cliff above the bay. We found it and I just want to let you know that you will need really good shoes and be in really good physical condition to try this. To access the cliff you go through an opening in the trees and make your way down to a 'level spot' where you can look down on the beach. It is a beautiful view but be careful because there is no guard to keep you from falling if you slip. From this "level" you can walk further down where there is a rope attached to the cliff and you can climb down. We were talking to people as they were coming up and even though they looked like they were in top physical condition, they said it was a really tough climb.
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