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valle de los ingenios

  • 景点介绍
  • valle de los ingenios
  • 景点印象
    • helenh804 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Wonderful to get out into the countryside and to understand the basis of the spanish settler wealth which built Trinidad and the sad story of the African slaves. most of the slave towers and sugar ranges burnt and destroyed when the slaves were liberated but some remain. The Escambray mountains are beautiful
    • JacquiB2012 图标 图标 图标 图标

      29 CUC for about 5 hours with an excellent guide who spoke really good English and was happy to talk to us about life in Cuba & the possibilities for change in the future. The Valle and its history was very interesting and pretty too.
    • andreeeeej 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This place just breathes with atmosphere, as it happens with most of Cuba. But first - as a tourist, you have to pay 10 CUC for the half-working train (compared to few CUPs the locals pay on other trains) to get there, that's just rude. The ride is interesting, but once you get to the destination(s), you discover that there is only considerable piece of history - the tower, where you can climb for another 2 CUC. Then there's a "sugar-cane pressing device", but if you want to see/learn some real history, out of luck. You can buy some bed-sheets (seriously?), bananas, something to drink, the same postcards that are sold everywhere. Bottom line - you can learn more about the place from wikipedia, than by going there, which is really sad... Still, the trip alone was probably worth it, even without the main attractions.
    • su12345 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We hired a driver for 20CUC. We stopped where ever we wanted and as long we wanted, I believe this is the best way to visit the valley, you can make the most of it. We really enjoyed the history of the valley, at the Manaca Iznaga so many sellers, some of them rather pushy, but the view well worth it from the tower. Once the train departed the whole place was only for us...huge benefit take hire a driver.At Mirador de la Loma del Puerto you can get lovely view again from a different angle. We also stopped at Guachinango, beautiful house one of the oldest hacienda, you can go for hourse riding/trekking here.
    • FKarsai 图标 图标 图标 图标

      the trip from Trinidad to the valle isn't that promising at first? But then, nce you've passed the first hill and start going down into the valley, a most beautiful landscape unveils itself
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