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ciego de avila

  • 景点介绍
  • ciego de avila
  • 景点印象
    • DebM924 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      "Resort sitting" is not our idea of a good way to get to know a country, so the day trip offered by WestJet and Cubatur to Moron and Ciego de Avila gave us the perfect opportunity to see some of the day-to-day life in Cuba. Ciego de Avila, being the larger city, had more to offer in the way of cultural, architectural, and gastronomical opportunities than Moron, and was well worth the visit. Our guide was very informative and candid about the history and challenges Cuba has faced. She made sure to point out a wide variety of Spanish influenced architecture, American 1920's architecture and, as she put it "Soviet Union architecture" (basically painted cinder-block). Our tour included a stop at an Artex (the Cuban arts and cultural group that operates shops, entertainment and cultural opportunities aimed at tourists) gathering place, where we were entertained by a very good local music group, and offered alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. We had a ride in a bicitaxi (bicycle propelled rickshaw), stopped at the Pauyet silver store (very beautiful silver jewelry and statues), walked through the pedestrian boulevard where there are a variety of local merchants, and visited the main square, which included a Catholic Church that was open for visitors. Our lunch was at the Don Avila hotel, a beautiful old hotel with a mariachi style group who played during lunch, and a cigar store next door, with very informative and helpful staff. The buffet offered was very good, with a choice of meats done kebab-style, salads, fruits and vegetables, plus one drink. After lunch we were given time to explore on our own before continuing on our tour. The local people were friendly and not pushy or intimidating if they had something to offer for sale. Our bicitaxi driver talked the whole ride (quite a feat in temperatures hovering around 29 C), and was a delight. I would highly recommend taking the tour.
    • LadyDi1129 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      During our recent visit to the Melia Cayo Guillermo, we, family and friends, took a day trip to the main island of Cuba to visit friends in the city of Ciego de Avila. On our way, we stopped in the small town of Patria to donate baseball uniforms to the local team and candies and treats to the children. The children, girls and boys, along with their coaches and parents were humbly grateful and very happy. It was a wonderful experience, see posted pictures.We traveled on to Ciego de Avila to our friends apartment and were treated to a lovely traditional Cuban lunch of congri, pork, yuca, tomatoes and cucumbers, ending with a yummy homemade cake. After lunch we all travelled in the van to downtown Ciego, stopping at a Guarapera stand on the way. Here we got to sample sugar cane juice squeezed from the sugar cane right in front of you. While downtown we checked out the shopping plaza and the market where tourists to Cuba frequently shop. Then we all climbed on to a caravan of bicycle taxis (bici taxis) for a ride through town. The bici taxis dropped us off at the Cuban market where our Cuban friends shop for their food. After the market we strolled back to our friend's apartment stopping to visit with neighbours along the way.This day was an amazing experience of Cuban culture and life, thoroughly enjoyed and appreciated by all of us. The resorts and beaches are wonderful, however if you travel to Cuba, I recommend that you take some time to experience the real Cuba. Cuba Si!
    • GabrielC509 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Cuando salimos del hotel Ciego para la cena nos encontramos una ciudad oscura totalmente, no por falta de fluido eléctrico sino porque las farolas todas estaban apagadas, así los portales y sólo unos cuantos con una pequeña luz claramente para alumbrar su espacio. No pudimos disfrutar mucho de la ciudad por esta situación.
    • AnnieetRicardoL 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Voyage organisé d'1 journée. Tour de ville en bixi-taxi, diner au resto, shopping, visite de la ville de Moron en calèche, tour de bateau au Laguna. Le tout avec un guide nous expliquant l'histoire de ces 2 villes et quelques anecdotes. Nous avons des rencontres de gens vivants dans ces petites villes. Beaucoup de beaux souvenirs.
    • JYMCYBER 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      le prix a 70. pesos tres bon pour une journée complète tour en bateau visite de ciego en velo diner ds un resto de ciego .par la suite visite de moron en caleche et drink ds un bar cubain . visite de la ferme de crocodrille et retour durée 7 h
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