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le corbusier centre

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  • le corbusier centre
  • 景点印象
    • DarrpanMehta 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Le Corbusier centre is a must visit when in Chandigarh purely because you will WANT to know the story behind the making of this amazing city!!My first visit to Chandigarh and I was bowled over by this city!! Everything looks and seems planned and organized. The city has an amazing green cover and apparently third largest in India after Lakshwadeep and Goa..The Le Corbusier centre is more than a tribute to the Master Architect who designed the layout of this city in the late 1950's. It is a testament of sheer determination of people who worked to create a brand new city after India's independence.The exhibition centre has amazing and original documents/ designs/ samples/ furniture/ correspondence/ layouts of the time the city was planned and constructed.Do not miss this place at any cost and take out a good hour or an hour and a half to enjoy here.The centre is in Sector 19A in Chandigarh...
    • headgreenkeeper 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We were led to believe that this was going to be an Architecturally wonderful city with big bold magnificent buildings, well if this is the best Le Corbusier could do then I would not have hired him to design my garden shed. The buildings are drab and uninspiring and should have ben demolished long ago.Don’t waste valuable holiday time.ar
    • harjitsingh78 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I have visited chandigarh many times.Last visited i managed to visit the le carbuzier centre in chandigarh Tell about the early days how chandigarh was planned by articts and how the villages looked that timeIt shows many nique things about the city beautifulhOW EACH MANHOLE HAS CHANDIGARH EMBOSSED PICTURE AND OTHER DIFFICULTIES FACED AT THAT TIME.IT HAS A SMALL SOUVENIR SHOP AS WELL A MUST VISIT
    • peregrineNC 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I was really excited to visit this museum, but was very disapointed. A very half-hearted effort to honour the architect and urban designer of Chandigarh.
    • Lokamitra 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We were very disappointed by complete lack of audio/visual, content or literature and no bookshop etc. There are simply some displays of photographs and some furniture without any explanatory placards.The place has a typical feeling fo apathy associated with places run by government. When there is no incentive to perform, i.e. you can't be sacked for not doing a good job, the result is mediocrity.This museum displays the brilliance of the design and plan of the city in a totally mediocre way.
    • abigail711 图标 图标 图标 图标

      To just see a little bit, they have quite a few procedures to follow for one to get in. Also... because of all that security... doesn't seen like a very nice place to visit.. coz people can be very cold.Beautiful art though!
    • ParthUdayShah 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This relatively new building sits in the campus that houses the Lalit Kala Academy and the Fine Arts faculty.The museum is an adaptation of the "Heidi Weber House" in Zurich designed by Le Corbusier. The difference being that the former is out of steel and concrete and the Museum at Chandigarh is out of masonry and Concrete. It houses the historic account of how Chandigarh was conceptualised showcasing numerous plans and drawings. Some original furniture is also displayed.The only drawback is that there is no publication/books on sale.
    • marc_martin 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Those interested in a modern city built in the f ifties by a world reknowned architect should visit this small but highly informative museum. Its director is more of a scientist than a guide, yet we found the exhibits fascinating. The museum not only shows plans and manuscripts of Le Corbusier but also some of his famous piece of furniture art.
    • Jupitaris 图标 图标 图标 图标

      You must visit this centre if you want to learn about the history of this magnificent city, also if you have any interested what so ever in modern architecture. You can see pottery more than 6 millennia old as the city's built on one of the Indus valley civilisation sites. Learn about how 'Le Corbusier' worked with Indian architects to create this statement of Independent India. You can also buy really good gifts for art and architecture lovers at very reasonable costs.
    • chammp 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Visited here whilst staying in the city, a museum that explains the concept and construction by Le Corbusier. There are photos, plans, models and documents to see. Quite a staid museum, but interesting for adults nevertheless.
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