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la flor beach natural reserve

  • 景点介绍
  • la flor beach natural reserve
  • 景点印象
    • paulsT2605DN 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      You feel the power of nature and persistence of life watching both the mothers journey up on the beach to lay eggs and releasing the young to the sea. Fascinating and once in a lifetime for any traveler. The reserve is easy in and out, doesn't feel crowded at night, actually kind of your own world taking it all in... respect the turtles.
    • BonVoyageNicaragua 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Camping in La Flor Natural Reserve was a great experience. All tour made by O'Shop beach & travel between the transportation, the tent, the tour of turtles and a diner.
    • oneill609 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Very cool beach to check out. We didn't go at the right time to see egg laying but we were just taking an ATV to the beaches south.
    • 467jeannel 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Even if you only see one or two big turtles when you go, you will most likely always be able to see baby turtles released at sunset daily. It is a thrill beyond imagining to see these just born turtles all race headlong to the sea!!!
    • psmilsky 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We had been to la flor beach to see turtles but returned during the day to use the beach. It is a very pretty beach, nice white sand and almost no people. If you walk to the right after entering the beach area and head to the rocks at the end of the beach there are some nice tide pools in the rocks with some interesting little ecosystems. There were lots of pelicans diving for fish and I talked to a park ranger who said that one thing to watch out for are sting rays which are in the deeper water. The waves were not large so it is not a good surfing beach and there are no facilities but there are some nice shady spots to get out od the sun and the platforms are there where the t.v. show Survivor was shot, all in all a nice place to spend a couple of quiet hours away from it all.
    • Roro36 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We took a night time tour to watch the Turtle hatching at the beach in the La Flor Reserve. It was a moonless night and there were only a few million stars in the skies above. We had a great guide, who was able to spot several baby turtles, just recently hatched trying to make their way back into the ocean. It was an amazing feeling to be a part of this (although I did feel a little guilty for invading their privacy). We also spotted 3 giant mommy turtles coming out of the ocean and making their way to the sand, dig a pit and lay a whole bunch of eggs. We learnt from our guide that this preserve helps save several turtles from poachers and keeps a larger % of them alive (this reduced my guilt). The whole trip was done in complete darkness except for the small red feeble lights we were given which were just enough to ensure we might spot a movement. Thanks to the folks at La Flor Beach Reserve to maintaining the area and rescuing these turtles from poachers, folks like us get to witness this amazing phenomenon and be a part of this beautiful nature.
    • Dmunozcrema 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Our fourth visit to this beautiful beach. We camp for 5 days here with others 20 peoples receiving the 2015 New year and we just have enough fun.
    • Bobcat1Denver_CO 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Great experience, kids got to watch the hatching of baby sea turtles. One of those moments in life when you get to see your kids not worried about cell phones.
    • DanielM1515 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We had an amazing experience viewing the turtles as hatchlings escaping to the ocean and watching adults arriving and laying eggs. You can easily do this trip by yourself by car and/or taxi. There are guides at the reserve that you can hire on the spot. We stupidly booked a trip from town with Rana Tours. The guys driving chain smoked the entire ride and left us on the beach with no information as they huddled together, smoking some more, and ignoring us. All the other tour groups were given red filters for their flashlights and phones (so as not to disturb the turtles) while we received nothing and were wandering in the dark. We finally just joined another group from another company and followed them around. Don't miss this opportunity! Just avoid Rana Tours when you go.
    • Marinacos 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      If you are there during the turtles season this is pretty unique. Theres only 7 turtles reserve for Paslama (Olive Ridley) in the world. When turtles go to lay the eggs this place is insane! Ive been nights were there was more than 20.000 sea turles. Shocking! But u must be there the right day! I suggest doing the tour with Casa Oro
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