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mujeres ambientalistas

  • 景点介绍
  • mujeres ambientalistas
  • 景点印象
    • CENACspanishschool 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Kind out of the way but if you can figure your way there its well worth it. Very interesting to see. They even let you make the paper! Its amazing to see what these women can do. Please keep up the good work!
    • Shoshannah1 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I was taken to visit this project by a Nicaraguan friend and highly recommend that travelers to Esteli take the time to visit as well. You won''t be sorry and will come home with a wonderful story and photos to share. This project is about what a group of women accomplished in cleaning up an area that was being used as a garbage dump and polluting the local stream where their children were playing. The result is an eco friendly project that recycles junk mail and office paper into beautiful homemade products that help create sustainability for continuing to keep the area clean and safe. The inexpensive paper journals, bookmarks and prints they create make lovely and meaningful souvenirs that help to support and empower the local citizens. There is a colorful mural on the side of the building that documents the work of the women and also the children who are benefiting from this project. If you get a chance to meet Kenny Ellwanger who helps oversee the project, he will show you around and tell you the story. Seeing their project inspired me to include a recycling project in my own work in the United States.
    • Ourtrek 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We had heard the great story behind this small store and made plans to visit it while in Esteli. It was hidden well in within the struggling neighborhood but the journals, bookmarks, etc that they have are very beautiful and well crafted. It was a true pleasure to support this great project while also getting some wonderful Nicaraguan gifts. The inexpensive taxi ride here is very worthwhile!
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