relief map

  • 景点介绍
  • relief map
  • 景点印象
    • J1171NRstephaniec 图标 图标 图标 图标

      A fast, inexpensive way to get to know the landscape of Guatemala. You can see it in less than an hour, so many people can find it boring, it's just a map after all.
    • 447JimS447 图标 图标 图标 图标

      At least we were able to see the map from the ground as it was being cleaned of debris by the staff. there are towers that surround the map that allow people to get a better view from different angles. Looked pretty cool. we ended up just walking around the park across the street.
    • TimJBaker 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The relief map, which is over 100 years old, helped quite a bit in putting into perspective the location of the towns I have visited and want to visit. Also helped in creating the mental picture of where the mountain ranges sit as well as the location of the surrounding countries.Enjoyed the park surrounding the map as well. I would not miss this if on vacation in Guatemala.Q5 for locals and Q25 for foreigners.
    • kryztienl 图标 图标 图标 图标

      As a traveler it's certainly worth a visit, even before starting travels w/in the country and as a complement to help map out your internal itinerary. It's an undermined resource, and the govt should do more to make it a must see attraction. Gives you an arial view of where you will be, and the natural complexities that have been conquered by man to get you from one point to another. Gives you an appreciation for the ancient Mayan civilization and how advanced they were to build and survive in remote places, at the time. Yet, develop such advance means of technology, farming, astrology, numerical exactitudes and more. To travel to these foreign nations and not emmerce one's self in the history nor appreciate the culture, is missing out on a complete foreign experience. Happy and save travels everyone. Un abrazo solidario a todo el mundo.
    • Backpacker-Mat 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This is a little out of the way being at the northern tip of the city (Zone 2) but worth a quick visit if you don't mind walking or are in that neck of the woods.Twenty five Qs to get in for non-Guate residents. There is a small display (in Spanish only) on the architectual history of the city as well as a bit about the creation of the relief map.Outside there are a few bi-lingual signs about the map and it's creators.It's interesting to see that Belize is swallowed up by Guatemala in it's entirety (read your history on the ongoing 'disagreement' between the two countries on borders). Otherwise, to appreciate it more you need to have your own map to hand (I had my mobile phone map handy) to really understand the topography.It's a shame that it's obviously not been maintained much in the last few years as only 1 of the pipes is still working which provides water to the map. I was told that it is all currently undergoing renovation and all the pipes are being refurbished so that by October 2014, all the rivers will be fully flowing which I think will make it much more interesting
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