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biotopo del quetzal

  • 景点介绍
  • biotopo del quetzal
  • 景点印象
    • anacri 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      While this is hardly the place for hard core hikers to get their fix, there are two loops you can walk in the park. One is 2 km long and the other 4 km. We didn't see any of the famed quetzales that day, but it is a beautiful place to stop and visit. There is a swimming hole and changing rooms. They have a small museum that talks about the quetzal and the park itself. Well worth the visit.
    • LWeston2012 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This park is the home of the Guatemalan National Bird, the Quetzal. We didn't see it but apparently it has been sighted by many people this year. It's a beautiful bird - there is a preserved one in the park office. It would be magnificent to see, but the nature preserve itself is also a beautiful place with other unique wildlife, some pretty waterfalls, and orchids. It's not a very difficult walk. We came out in less than 2 hours. It's true, this park is not in Coban, but we came here from our hotel in Coban (about half an hour drive) and I think it makes it easier to plan your trip when you find all the surrounding sites on one page. I wouldn't have even seen this as an attraction if it had been under another town.
    • Larana8 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Although is a beautiful place to walk and have a wonderful time and enjoy the nature, whoever wtote this post, put a wrong address. El Biotopo del Quetzal is not located in Coban, Alta Verapaz, its on the way to Coban but is actually located in the Municipio of Purulha, Departament of Baja Verapaz.. Please make the respective correction.. Let's don't give all the credit to Coban. Thanks
    • 627oscaro 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Aunque dicen que es difícil lograr ver al quetzal, tuvimos la dicha y bendición de ver a una hembra desde que entramos. Otros visitantes aseguraron haber captado a la pareja. El biotopo cuenta con su propio museo y con dos senderos, uno largo y uno corto. El camino está lleno de árboles, riachuelos y caídas de agua... es como caminar a través de la montaña. Una experiencia muy agradable si uno gusta del turismo ecológico. Si tienen suerte, podrán observar al ave nacional de Guatemala. Si no, podrán verlo en el museo del lugar. Un par de horas son suficientes para disfrutarlo y el precio es bastante bajo.
    • joaquinz480 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Es un lugar para disfrutar de la caminata donde podras ver abundante selva y al finalizar tu recorrido podras darte un chapuzon en las heladas aguas de un rio cercano que tiene unas bonitas cataratas. El quetzal lo pude ver en el parqueo del lugar y me parecio una experiencia increible. Recomiendo a las autoridades de este sitio que para hacer mas agradable el paseo coloquen columpios ecologicos y tambien mas información en el recorrido para hacer qu el visitante quiera regresar.
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