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maryland state house

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  • maryland state house
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    • Ava515 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Although it was closed when we were there, we walked around the grounds and learned all the history etc. Quite impressive. Definitely not to be missed!
    • MikeS885 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      If you are in the great town of Annapolis plan a visit to what is one the greatest architectural wonders around. Built in 1772, you just don't see wonders like this every day.
    • Schaferhund 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The interior of the state house is beautiful (and quite interesting), but I think the highlight of visiting is wandering the grounds themselves. They're perfect for a leisurely walk on a pleasant sunny day.
    • 974JamesH974 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I'm a sucker for visiting state houses as they usually wrap themselves in the history of the state they represent. The Annapolis State House - used as the background for the US Capital in several movies - is what you would expect in the vast expanses of marble and beautiful decor. It is different that most in that it contains the old statehouse which predates the constitution and gives a sense of what was in a far simpler time. It is very much worth a visit and stroll in the entire neighborhood as it is in the historic downtown of Annapolis. If only the politicians were as good as the architecture!
    • emilyl32 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Warning, the State House us undergoing renovations right now to restore some of the historic rooms. You can feel the history oozing out of this place. The renovations theyve done to this point have beautifully restored the grandeur of the rooms. Come see the speech Geoge Washington gave to resign his commission and walk through the rooms he walked through. See the rooms where many scenes from "House of Cards" were filmed. Fun way to spend an hour or so
    • Hani1299 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The most interesting part for me was George Washington's handwriting. That is his resignation speech. The senate house is also interesting.
    • SailOnTommy 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      As a sailor, I spent years navigating the waters of the Severn River and Chesapeake Bay - often using the Maryland State House as a point of reference. Then one year, we elected to take a tour and realized what we'd been missing. As the only State House that once served as the Capitol of the United States, it's well maintained, features lots of new and tons of old and preserves the architecture and atmosphere of the 18th Century.
    • PrawetJ 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The place is situated prominently in the middle of the city and worth walking around to see or read about it but there in no place to park just a short period to take photos. It is quite a distance to walk from the harbor parking area.
    • JulesinAtl 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      As a part of my see-all-the-captiols plan, I got a chance to visit the Maryland State House in December, 2014. It's a beautiful, historic building in a historic and quaint setting. I had hoped for a brief guided tour, but none was available. And unfortunately, most of the rooms were closed off. Bad timing on my part, I suppose. The former Senate room was blocked off for renovations, and the two historic meeting rooms/library were closed for meetings. One of the current legislative chambers was closed as well, since they were conducting an orientation for the new legislators. The historic treasury on site was also under renovation... or maybe just being used as a storage facility. All that said, perhaps check in with them to see what's available to see. It's a great place to visit, and surrounded by such fantastic shops and streets.
    • paratile 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This place is packed with history!! This is where early America was governed. If your any kind of history buff, you need to go here.
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