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rose hill manor park & museums

  • 景点介绍
  • rose hill manor park & museums
    Rose Hill Manor Park & Museums provides visitors with the opportunity to...
  • 景点印象
    • CarolandRayL 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This was a great hands-on touch museum for children. I had 2 preschool children with me and they thoroughly enjoyed playing with many wonderful colonial items. Each room, both upstairs and downstairs had an amazing variety of opportunities for fun and learning. The two staff ladies who were there were friendly and helpful. There were buildings outside that you could tour and I'm sure they were also great, but because our children were having so much fun inside, we never really got the tour of the outside. Hopefully we can do that some other time. Although we went here for the benefit of the children, there is plenty to interest adults as well. I would highly recommend this wonderful museum to anyone.
    • JD887 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This Federal era home hosted the Johnson family in 1800. Also featured are beautiful flower and herb gardens, a Children's Museum, a carriage house with many historic carriages, ice house, log cabin, etc. Tours of the house and grounds are available. Visitors are offered handmade mint tea, made daily in the mansion's kitchen.
    • NeoWasHere 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Visited for the 1st time back in May 2014 to attend the 2nd annual Festa Italiana. The parking was free, but there was an entrance fee of $10/person to get into the festival. It was for a good cause though, the Habitat of Humanity of Frederick County. Soon after entering we got to exchange our American dollars for fake lira (some vendors only accepted the lira). We used it to buy $18 worth of lunch for two (Italian sausage, spaghetti, small salad, and drinks). They didn't have any garlic bread when we ordered at the start of lunch so we had to go back after eating to grab our slices which was supposed to come with our meals and not after them. The festival offered one stage of various musical performers, none of which caught my ear. There was also wine tasting for $5, a wine making demo, a soccer tournament for the kids, a grape stomping competition with your bare feet, a sauce cook off competition and live broadcasting of Key 103/106.9 The Eagle.It was a small venue for a festival on a hot day. I remember walking around past the same things over and over again in a continuous loop of boredom. I'm afraid there just wasn't much to do for a father and his teenaged son. This event seemed to be geared more towards families with younger children.The 3rd annual Festa Italiana of Frederick is scheduled to return back to Rose Hill Manor Park on Saturday, May 30, 2015.
    • Q9224BIjohnd 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Went to the civil war enactment and encampment with grandson. Th experience was very worhwhile and historical for both of us.
    • LaurenceJ585 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Thomas Johnson, first Governor of Maryland and Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States died in this house, owned by his daughter and son-in-law. His niece was married to President John Quincy Adams. The lovely historic house and grounds are well worth a visit.
    • mew521 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Rose Hill Manor in Frederick is a hands on museum showing how the life would have been in the 19th century. They are visited by lots of school groups and there were lots of 4th graders touring when I was there. I enjoyed the fact that they have designed the rooms in the house with children and education in mind. They encourage children of all ages to touch, explore, and discover. I was able to tour the manor house by myself - there are lots of informational signs. Then I had a private tour (because I was the only visitor) of the outbuildings with Pat who is one of their wonderful, enthusiastic docents. She took me into the log cabin, carriage house, blacksmith shop, and ice house. I learned a lot at each of the stops on this lovely little walking tour.
    • rmsgjs 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This was the retirement home of the first governor of Maryland, and a close friend of George Washingto., our first President.The home has been recently restored, and is open for visitors, as are the grounds. Guided tours are available. The guides are in period costumes, and trained to be very knowledgeable about the history of the place. Seasonal festivals are well organozed, and fun for all. It is a beautiful place to visit...for anyone who can enjoy a respite from video games, and is okay with turning off their 'mobile device', in favor of enjoying peace and nature!!
    • 213BrianR 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This was a fantastic day out. The museum was full of old toys, clothes, kitchen utensils, musical instruments and there were signs every where saying try out these things and see how the folk lived here. The kids had a great time with the toys and the adults too enjoyed reminiscing about some of the toys they had in their youth (no batteries then). We all had fun with the marble run and the tumbling cars. Papa had to be reminded that there were other things to see. The girls, old and young were fascinated with the modes of dress and the lengths that the females had to go to get 'dolled up'. The tour of the outhouses including the servants quarters and the ice house were very well done and the period dressed guide was very informative about the way of life and the living conditions. We will be back when we have a longer time to spend in the grounds.
    • travelguru06 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      The park seems to be well kept and clean. The house and outbuildings were also well kept. We enjoyed the tour of the house and learning all about how life was back in time.
    • markc856 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Its wasn't a bad tour but wasn't anything extraordinary either. The docent was very nice and took my son & me to the carriage house which had numerous carriages - well worth the request to see it.
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