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fiddlers' green pub

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  • fiddlers' green pub
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      The Irish dance event was scheduled as the after party for a friend's wedding, and we wouldn't have gone if those friends had not been the bride and groom. I am so glad we felt obligated, because our $10 cover charge (reduced by the lovely event staff) gave us one of the best evenings I have spent at any bar or pub in a while. You can tell a place is the real deal when the old folks come out in droves to pack the dance floor. The live band was incredibly talented, snacks of cookies and brownies were provided, and my three drinks (3 oz of liquor each!) only set me back $9. I left feeling satisfied, enchanted, cultured, and completely sozzled. If you are looking for something a little different and don't want a crowded bar- Fiddler's Green is the place for you.
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