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rick evans grandview prairie conservation education center

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  • rick evans grandview prairie conservation education center
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    • wolfie_n 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I usually make a visit to Grandview Prairie at least once every time I come to this part of Arkansas. At almost 5000 acres, it’s the largest area of protected blackland prairie in the country. There are signs at various spots along the road providing information about the environment and history of the prairie. There are two small lakes, which I’d really consider to be ponds, where people can fish. The area was a ceremonial center for the Caddo Indians, and one of the mounds is accessible from the road. A short nature trail goes from the mound to one of the lakes. I’ve enjoyed watching wildlife here. I’ve seen deer, various waterfowl, wild turkeys, and have heard the coyotes howling around sunset. Sunset is one of my favorite times of day to be here. I’ve gotten wonderful sunset photographs at the lakes and out on the prairie, as well as landscapes and photos of the flowers and other vegetation during different seasons. It is also just a beautiful place to drive through and see what much of Arkansas looked like before the land was settled and developed. If you go, make a point to stop at the visitor’s center. It’s very small, but you’ll be able to get some information about the Wildlife Management Area, including info about the plant and animals species that are present. It’s relatively undeveloped and there isn’t anything very exciting to see or do here. It probably wouldn’t be of interest to everyone, but it’s a beautiful, quiet place to spend some time and a fascinating environment to learn about.
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