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fishercap lake

  • 景点介绍
  • fishercap lake
  • 景点印象
    • SouthIA 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      In our previous travels to places such as Yellowstone, Grand Teton NP, northern Minnesota, Isle Royale, and the U.P., we've searched for moose at various locations and were always disappointed to find none. Not so here!We stopped at this lake 3 days in a row (August 13-15) and saw at least 1 moose every time. The first time was in the middle of the afternoon, when you don't normally expect to see them, but both a female and bull moose were there in the center of the lake foraging for plants in the water. We returned the next evening and the bull moose was there again as a light rain fell. We were among the few people watching from the shore. The next morning, sure enough, the bull moose was there once more, on the far side of the lake, which was very still and great for photography with reflections on the surface.We also saw a female moose in a small pond near Two Medicine Lake on the southeast side of the park. All sightings were definitely highlights of the trip!
    • Tribe93 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We were here August 19 and saw three moose -- two bull moose and one cow. This was about 5pm or so. In talking with others, you're apt to see them early mornings and late afternoons. I rated this excellent only because of the moose. The lake itself is not particularly scenic compared to others in the park. It's less than 10 minute walk from the Swiftcurrent trailhead at the end of the parking lot of the Swiftcurrent Motor Inn.
    • 770michellea 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I did my research ahead of time and we took the short, easy trail to Fishercap Lake from Swiftcurrent Motor Inn. The lake is known for moose because its shallow. The Inn has a wonderful gift shop and facilities too. We were there about 3pm. The walk took maybe 10 minutes, including a bridge over a stream. The moose were in the water when we got there, after 15 minutes or so, they came together, then the mother moose made a snort and started coming towards us hikers on the shore. Needless to say we all started to back up and as she approached, many started to run, including myself! We kept our distance as she came up onto shore, then went back to the car. Our hearts pumping with excitement. Never felt we were in true danger, but it was my first moose experience and I wasn't going to chance it. Definitely recommend this short trail! Link to a short youtube video of the experience. http://youtu.be/GbPc3etlJH0
    • bauman147 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Short hike but there isn't much to see once you get there. Might be a destination for fishing, I'm not sure about that, but anyone that hikes to Fishercap Lake to see the Lake might as well continue on to see Red Rock Falls.
    • MarianaG284 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We went here at 7 pm expecting to see moose and we did see a mother and a baby. We stayed until it started raining and we enjoyed to see how the baby ran for protection to his mother and both left the lake . I it was incredible. So it's true if you want to see moose go here and you will see them
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