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the national quilt museum

  • 景点介绍
  • the national quilt museum
    The National Quilt Museum is a nationally recognized art museum that...
  • 景点印象
    • ShaneGriffin 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I took some Dutch family members to the quilt museum this past Christmas and it was my third visit. It really is a special treat to see the quality of the work and to imagine the hours of labor that have gone into making these pieces. The creativity of the quilts and the intricacy is beyond anything I had imagined and the museum does a beautiful job of exhibiting the pieces. It was extra special this year to bring along some Dutch family as the winner of last years Quilt Convention was from the Netherlands as well. The personnel at the museum are friendly and helpful and the space is really beautiful...this is a must see when in Paducah.
    • MegB832 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Gorgeous permanent collection quilts and special exhibits featuring motion quilts and antique nine-patch made three hours fly by. I enjoyed looking at local art crafts, and the wooden quilt is not to missed. Paducah looked like a fun town to stroll around, but it was too cold and windy
    • rosebt 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This museum is a delight and an eye opener. It is amazing what beautiful pieces of art can be made by stitching pieces of fabric together. Watching the quilters working and explaining how to do it, makes a person want to start stitching.
    • JohntheFoneMan 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      What an amazing art museum - but instead of paintings, they have quilts! And more quilts, and hand stitched quilts, and antique quilts hundreds of years old, and new quilts and much more! I am not a quilter, but I do enjoy art. Wow!
    • tlawrick 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      When I first saw this attraction listed, I thought it might be a bit of a snooze-fest. Yes, I've seen some lovely quilts in my day but who would pay to go see a room full of quilts? After reading the reviews, we decided to go and I am SO glad we did! This place was not at all what I imagined and there is no way anyone could imagine what these quilts are actually like. They are true works of art. Some I swore were paintings on canvas until I got up close enough to actually see the detailed and intricate sewing that created the vision. A few were double sided; some were unusual shapes and others included the use of non-fabric items. The most fascinating 'work of art' here was a quilt carved from wood that even when we were standing right in front of it, we thought was a fabric quilt and were still looking around for the wooden one! This attraction really is worth scheduling time to see.
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