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  • rosecliff
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    • yhkeyao 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

    • gkj84813 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      newport mansion区中的一栋豪宅 里面诞生了了不起的盖茨比 这是一栋两层楼的白色建筑 里面很大 房间不少 进门会给你个播音器 可以讲解每个房间的一些情况 值得听听 后面就是cliff walk 很漂亮
    • triciadc 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We visited here a number of years ago - and really enjoyed touring all the mansions - Newport is a lovely place - you can readily walk around and enjoy lovely ocean views, outstanding places to dine, and amazing mansion castles by the sea!!
    • AmeilaDearheart 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Attended a gala in this mansion. There was nothing NOT to like about it! Each room was beautifully decorated and there was plenty of room for the guest to mingle at the party.
    • tripgirlMichigan 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We started at Rosecliff and were glad we did because I think it would have been a let down after The Elms and The Breakers. It's very pretty, and worth a visit, especially with the costume exhibit that was there in November -- I'm not sure it that is a normal display for them or not.
    • Beyondships 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Rosecliff is a delightful building. It was created for Theresa Fair Oelrichs by the architect Sanford White at the opening of the 20th century. While it was inspired by the Petit Trianon at the Palace of Versailles in France, the mansion is not overwhelmingly grand. Rather, it has a feeling of delicateness and lightness.Theresa was one of the great Newport hostess and she wanted a house where she could entertain on a grand scale. Therefore, the central feature of Rosecliff is its ballroom, which connects the two wings of the house. You may have seen it in a number of films including the Robert Redford version of the Great Gatsby and Amistad. It was built with a series of large French doors so as to allow natural light as well as access to the grounds.The impression the house gives of Theresa is a positive one. She commissioned this house for the purpose of entertaining rather than to climb the social ladder. While it is impressive, it is so because of its architectural restraint. It is not a heavy-handed attempt at shock and awe.Most of the living quarters are on the second floor. These are not grand or elaborate but rather comfortable looking. These have been left much the way they were when the last private owners, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Monroe, lived here in the mid-20th century.Rosecliff is well-worth seeing. It would be better to see The Breakers, the Marble House and Rough Point first as they tell are the basic to undertanding the Newport story. However, Rosecliff adds depth to the experience of visiting the Newport mansions.
    • momalu444 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      So, a Gilded Age mansion with a 40's spin. Weird, but cool! Be sure to see it! Probably won't be as impressed as you were with the Breakers or Marble House, but worth the time.
    • glennc573 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      As with the other mansions, a look at what American aristocrats created in their efforts to mimic European royalty, even though they did not match the Europeans. But then again, the European monarchs were even more brutally exploitive of the masses than were the American capitains of industry.
    • welshcorgi2 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Just visited Rosecliff mansion in Newport, RI and this property was well worth the money. The audio tour is very interesting and informative. A beautiful property and well worth the visit.
    • 899kathyl 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Loved the story behind this house! "Tessie" a Nevada silver heiress, real name was Theresa Fair Oelrichs, had her architect model Rosecliff after the Grand Trianon at Versailles. You can still rent this mansion for private events! Make sure to punch in the numbers for "Dinner for Two" in the large dining room. There have been scenes from several movies have been shot at Rosecliff, including The Great Gatsby, True Lies, Amistad and 27 Dresses. Like the other mansions on the tour Rosecliff is stunning. Interesting to note-these families were only here for the summers and simply entertained their way through the season.
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