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acadia photo safari

  • 景点介绍
  • acadia photo safari
    Acadia Photo Safaris are hands-on nature photography tours conducted in...
  • 景点印象
    • B8565FOmichelleh 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This photography tour is a wonderful way to spend a few hours during your MDI and Acadia vacation if you are interested in learning how to produce breathtaking photos of the natural beauty around you. The best part is that you have the opportunity to spend quality time with Howie, a local professional photographer who is intimate with the landscapes and marine wildlife that you view on the cruise.I highly recommend this tour to anyone who wants to see Acadia from a different perspective and gain valuable photography tips that will be helpful on your future adventures. Howie was attentive, hospitable and a wonderful teacher. I will definitely do the sunset safari cruise again on my next visit to the area!
    • DennisC806 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      This was the best value for your dollar. It was great! Howie did a really wonderful job explaining the basics and how to shoot a great sunset picture. We took the sunset photo safari and every one of us enjoyed it. We had a group of six of us and each one of us thought it was a great trip to take regardless of what your photography experience was.
    • W1698BGjeffb 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      I thought I was going to be bored. This was something my wife wanted to do and didn't want to go alone. I have to tell you, it was the most interesting afternoon I've spent in some time!!! Howie was warm and disarming as well as informative. We spent 3 hours with Howie and took in a ton of info. He is well suited to teaching, keeping it light and making it a fun afternoon. Even if you kind of know how to use your camera, I'd highly recommend you take a Photo Safari, I guarantee you'll pick up a good tip. A great afternoon and a good value. Thanks, Howie!!!
    • MichaelChristian 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      My wife and I and our two teenage kids really put Howie to the test! Me, with my "point and shoot plus manual controls", my son wielding a high tech DSLR, my daughter with a dated digital, and my wife with nothing but an iphone...We all liked the idea of learning how to use our tools better to get the perfect shot and the being on the water shooting in prime locations of MDI was the way to go. We originally pre-booked the sunset cruise with Howie weeks before our trip however, the day of our tour was forecast for rain. We contacted Howie and he was able to reschedule us for the next day! We spent the afternoon/early evening learning the basics to setting up shots and taking advantage of our cameras capabilities. Howie answered all of our questions and was able to critique and compare our shots to his (as he shot along side us with his own digital). Brenda was a master captain and offered welcome advice when needed as well. In the end, we all agreed we learned useful info, enjoyed the boat ride, and appreciated their hospitality and knowledge. Eight thumbs up from my family and next trip to MDI, we will be taking the advanced cruise ;)
    • sandi7790 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Had a great evening at Jordan Pond learning the basics of photography. Howie was very informative and did a great job explaining how I can use my camera to take some wonderful pictures. Coming from someone who never changed the settings from auto shoot, I walked away with a much better understanding of some of the things my camera can to. It also seemed as though some of the other people in my group that had more photography knowledge to begin with, had a good time also. Something for everyone!
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