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sonny's museum

  • 景点介绍
  • sonny's museum
  • 景点印象
    • KenB561 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      There is nobody more knowledge about Maine Gems and stones anywhere. No better deals anywhere in the state of Maine, Bring the kids ,there is a lot to learn.
    • bselver 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      We have been visiting with Sonny and buying his more-than-fairly-priced gems and minerals for the past two decades. He has wonderful specimens and his prices are more than fair. And Sonny himself is a pure joy!
    • ssscout78 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      my wife and I stopped in and were made to feel like family,the owner sonny nicest grandfatherly gentleman you will ever meet,he made my wife and I feel at home and he loves to talk about maine and his family from the 20s,kinda cool we thought,thanks sonny for a really great day at your shop
    • 923MaryW 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      Sonny, the owner, is great to buy minerals from; the store is filled with beautiful rocks. It's a bit dusty and one has to pick through the minerals on display but I took my time and found some beauties. He also sells semi-precious gemstone jewelry: earrings and necklaces and bracelets. There are a few fossils and also some unusual gift items. I like to buy small cut geodes, and so this last visit I selected a few; when I brought them over to pay for them he asked me what I thought they were worth. I gave him my estimate, and he accepted it; then, he told me what they were really worth and I found that he'd given me a deal on them. He's one of those knowledgeable, personable salespeople from a bygone era; I've gone back several times and have always enjoyed the experience and have gotten a good deal on the prices.
    • LeonaH436 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      we love it!!! the kids can" hands on" look at all the rocks and learn about the places they come from and we get to see something different every time we go..... Sunny is a special man and loves the kids and makes a awesome experience for them each time .... I recommend if u have children and want to see some really neat rocks and jewelry and collectibles. His prices range due to wear they have came from and how old they are and historical value . Great place must see if you are in the area!!!
    • FredF637 图标 图标 图标 图标 图标

      If you know and enjoy rocks and minerals this can be a fascinating place to visit. The collection of minerals is huge and many of the specimens are high quality. But, beware! There are quite a few specimens that are not identified as to type or location where collected. The owner is not familiar with some of his own materials and cannot identify many of the unidentified specimens. Beware his pitch of "I'll make you an offer you can't refuse" That does not mean it will be a fair or accurate number. And, beware when you pay for your selections. We picked out a selection of specimens and he came up with a price for the entire lot but when pressed for individual pricing, he couldn't do it. Then, to make matters worse, when we paid him and waited for our change he just looked at us like "you actually want change???" We ended up picking out some more specimens to get our "change". Pretty sleazy business tactics!I doubt we will ever go back there.
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